AIGA | the professional association for design
What is Design Ethics?
“Given the designer’s role…not only do we have a role, but we have a responsibility to make sure that what we’re creating is responsible because we have a lot of power and a lot of influence.”- Sarah Alpern.
This means is that we as designers have a role to play in society. We have to be responsible for what we create, write the have strong meaning that can influence others either negative or positive. We as a human has the power to choose and understand same as our design has a lot of power to influence the audience.
The reading explains what design is and isn’t. A guideline for a good designer to follow and understand the importance of the spec work. It also says what professional designers should expect from a strategic process. What is a story behind the design and telling that into the interview and those ethic standards what a professional design should follow and so far I did follow these ethic standards into my design and will use them in future
- A professional designer always follow and have the clients’ prior consent to create and work on the assigned project.
- A professional designer treats all work and knowledge of a client’s business as confidential.
- A professional designer will create only professional design and need to meet the deadline. if not then inform the higher position the un for-seen circumstances.
- A professional designer will clearly outline all intellectual property ownership and usage rights in a project proposal or estimate.
The second source is “GUIDE TO COPYRIGHT”
What is a copyright?
This means that the original owner of the product or service or anyone who gives the permission is the only one with the exclusive right to reproduce the work.
The designer has the only exclusive rights to reproduce the work and distribute work; license work or poster copied from a design; perform work, and display work. A design can be fairly used however, it also depends on how the work is used. It can used if they follow the following factors such as
- “The purpose and character of the use, including whether or not it is for-profit”
- The original work has to be credited.
- “The amount and substantially of the portion used, not only in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole but also, in some cases, in relation to the defendant’s work”.
- “The effect the use will have on the market for the copyrighted work or the actual value of the copyrighted work”.
The third source is “Use of Illustration”
Illustration means creating something that makes the idea clear to explain such as a picture, drawing and that becomes a design. AIGA supports the original illustration solution. What original illustrations mean is that people find it easy to draw the missing space and challenging to create something unique from the un-imaginary world, add values and make it creative.
There are rules for the designers that the original must be kept by the illustrator to protect the value of the work. These issues are understood within the industry and are will be seen fast by the professionals on both ends of the creative exchange. That is because “An artist’s copyright is owned by the artist and is protected from the moment it is created by the 1976 Copyright Act. This protection covers the work for the artist’s lifetime plus 70 years. If agreed to in writing, the copyright may be assigned elsewhere.” It is the right of the artist to protect the original work and have the copyright.
AIGA Busines_Ethics 47556721-Client-s-guide-to-design-1-1-MB.pdf