Blog 16 Manor Bagels

Marla asked me to recreate a logo for a restaurant called Manor Bagels. I was sent a picture she took of it on a beanie to use as a reference. For this task she wanted me to make the logo exactly how it appeared in the picture. It was pretty easy to do in Adobe Illustrator. I started looking for a font. I eventually found a font that looked almost identical to the “Manor Bagels” text. I also found a script text that also looked similar to the font used in the red circle.

After finding these fonts I used a very useful and well-known feature in illustrator called “image trace” which allows you to transform vector images into shapes by essentially tracing the image over and creating shape layers out of them. In the end, my result looked very accurate to the logo in the picture. I then put the logo on a black t-shirt as a way to show how it would look.