Entry 3 – Work Flow

January 17 was my first day Interning at Calling All Graphics and I was scheduled to work on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and start from 10 in the morning to 2:30 in the afternoon.  Since everything was done via zoom, I pretty much didn’t have any attire, just my normal at-home clothes. During my work hours, there is usually alone or another mentor (s)  with me along with the coordinator (Marla).

Marla usually has two or more people working on a job. When doing these tasks together, everyone communicates through zoom. Most of these jobs consist of designing menu layouts or logos in Indesign, Illustrator, and photoshop to animating digital menu boards in After effects. When it comes to exchanging files or getting them, everyone has access to marla’s dropbox, so we can drop and/or take out files that we are working on.  As for breaks, Marla allows us to take e a break at any time, as long as it’s not too long or as long as we are doing the tasks she asked us to do.

Entry 2 – First Job

So I am currently a mentee/ assistant at Calling All Graphics. To get this opportunity I just sent out an email that was available on my COMD4900 coordination site to Marla Gotay who runs the business and surprisingly I got back a reply on the same day. I didn’t really have to do an interview since Marla liked my portfolio also I was relieved about that part. I believe that what really stood out was my after-effects skills since that was what she was looking for. After a reply back Marla set up a meet-up via zoom to introduce myself and also asked for the days I was available to work. There was also another intern on Zoom with me and Marla.

I then started working the week right after. My first task ever was to fix and add the prices to a menu for a bagel shop in Indesign. This wasn’t difficult however I was a little rusty in Indesign since I have not used the program for quite some time.

Entry 1- Getting an Internship

As soon as January came around I was very anxious about what internship I would go for or even if I would get an internship. But my professor for our internship class recommended some opportunities on the coordinating site. In my internship course, One of those Opportunities was from a Graphic design business located in Brooklyn, New York called, Calling All Graphics. Marla Gotay is the owner of this business and was the one in charge of interns during our work hours and has been in this profession for over 25 years. Most of the jobs Marla does are done online and she specializes in a variety of design jobs such as a menu, logos, business cards, brochures, T-shirts, channel lettering, and much more.

Marla Gotay takes pride in developing close relationships and bonds with other clients and that was quickly proven even on my first day when she allowed me and other interns to listen in on her talking with her clients on the phone. Marla was friendly and easygoing with many when talking to many of the clients on the phone and she also says that she has known or has been working for some of her clients for 10 years.  As for other interns, so far I have seen about 4 other interns other than me and most of them are from City tech, two of them I actually knew from classes I was in prior to the pandemic.