Entry 6- Live Q& A with Adobe Experts: Collaborative Work Management

So I attended a live event from Adobe Summit about collaborative work management and the panel included Adobe consulting and product experts. They talked about how applications like Workfront and Adobe Fusion can be used to navigate the large and tedious task of a collaboration project when it comes to marketing. I learned a little about how adobe programs are implemented in these jobs and how due dates, budgets, and reports are all managed in a collaborative workflow.

As someone who uses multiple Adobe programs, I thought this event was informative on the role I play as a Graphic Designer if I potentially was to work in a large business with a very strict workflow and marketing strategies. With that being said, all of the experts on this panel would be a great help and a good mentor to me since I am not too familiar with this specific aspect of marketing and how the roadmap of a large collaborative project is laid out.

Entry 5

So I and along with the three other interns had to create these banners for a restaurant called Farmers Pizza and Grill. Each of us created about three to four boards for this project. We of course communicated through zoom and initially, Marla wanted the boards to be colorful or have some type of uniqueness. At first, we used white and blackboards but we ended up just using a darker background for each board (as you can see in the images from the restaurant above).

Marla had shown a few pictures of how our boards looked in the actual restaurant a couple of weeks after we had finished them up. I felt a sense of pride and satisfaction when I saw the pictures of my designs being displayed. All of our boards came out really well and they fit right in with the look and feel of Farmers Pizza and Grill.

Entry 4 – The Graphic Novels of Megascope Event

I attended an event about different black comic books artist and their work and found it interesting.  Each artist had a distinct way of expressing their art. The host of this event was John Jennings, the curator of Megascope which is a line of graphic novels that specializes in displaying works from men and women of color.  These works focus on genres like science fiction, fantasy, horror, history, etc. Even though my interest isn’t exactly focused on creating graphic novels, I found this event to be very informative when it comes to the creative process of designing and storyboarding these types of works.