Entry 6- Live Q& A with Adobe Experts: Collaborative Work Management

So I attended a live event from Adobe Summit about collaborative work management and the panel included Adobe consulting and product experts. They talked about how applications like Workfront and Adobe Fusion can be used to navigate the large and tedious task of a collaboration project when it comes to marketing. I learned a little about how adobe programs are implemented in these jobs and how due dates, budgets, and reports are all managed in a collaborative workflow.

As someone who uses multiple Adobe programs, I thought this event was informative on the role I play as a Graphic Designer if I potentially was to work in a large business with a very strict workflow and marketing strategies. With that being said, all of the experts on this panel would be a great help and a good mentor to me since I am not too familiar with this specific aspect of marketing and how the roadmap of a large collaborative project is laid out.

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