Entry 3 – Work Flow

January 17 was my first day Interning at Calling All Graphics and I was scheduled to work on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and start from 10 in the morning to 2:30 in the afternoon.  Since everything was done via zoom, I pretty much didn’t have any attire, just my normal at-home clothes. During my work hours, there is usually alone or another mentor (s)  with me along with the coordinator (Marla).

Marla usually has two or more people working on a job. When doing these tasks together, everyone communicates through zoom. Most of these jobs consist of designing menu layouts or logos in Indesign, Illustrator, and photoshop to animating digital menu boards in After effects. When it comes to exchanging files or getting them, everyone has access to marla’s dropbox, so we can drop and/or take out files that we are working on.  As for breaks, Marla allows us to take e a break at any time, as long as it’s not too long or as long as we are doing the tasks she asked us to do.