After all the searching I have done, I finally got a response from this real estate company which I found on craigslist. They need a graphic design student to work on their logo and website. After sending them my portfolio that I was just recently working on and it wasn’t quite finished yet; they offered me and interview and I got the internship on the spot. I believe I got it because they’re really looking for somebody to start working on their website ASAP. What the lady who interviewed me told me is that she had called these people called “something cite” I just can’t remember the whole name. She said she called so they can make the company a site, they even chose the domain name and everything for them. They were paying like $300 a year and one day the website disappeared and so did they. She tried calling them but the phones seemed to not be in service. So now here I am, Ill be the one to design their website. She also said she doesn’t want to deal with that anymore. But something is something and I couldn’t be happier.