Oral health and Nutrition- Presentation at NYCCT Pantry 

A group of my fellow future hygienists visited the N.E.S.T Pantry at our very own NYCCT. Many students use this amazing service that is available to the student body. We thought it would be fun and exciting to present oral health education to a group in a non-clinical setting. 

Our presentation was designed to raise awareness of how our food choices affect oral health and to promote healthy eating. We discussed food choices that are better for their dental and systemic health. We also discussed oral hygiene tips to help prevent tooth decay and dry mouth. The colorful posters we created served as visual aids. We ended our presentation by having the participants look through their carts at checkout and identify whether they had made healthy choices – it was a fun and educational experience for all involved.  

Overall, this project was a positive experience because it gave us the opportunity to teach and promote good nutritional choices and oral habits to our peers. We were able to use the knowledge gained through the past semesters to create an effective lesson plan targeting the participants. It was also


Give Kids A Smile in Collaboration with Colgate at NYCCT Dental Care Clinic

This fun and educational event took place at the Dental Care Clinic at the New York City College of Technology for a Second year running in an even bigger and better form. In collaboration with Colgate, the attending children received free dental exams and cleanings. Both Freshman and Senior clinics were transformed into one dental health care center. As Senior dental hygiene students, we had the opportunity to treat and provide oral hygiene services to pediatric patients. We also taught the children how to maintain a happy and healthy smile! Additional preventative services tailored to the child’s needs, such as sealants and 5% sodium fluoride varnish treatment with parental consent, were also provided. The children also received vision and hearing tests and nutritional advice from other event participants.

All in all, it was a pleasant and enjoyable experience! Educating the children about oral health was also a positive experience. It allowed me to develop my skills in caring for pediatric patients. 


Screening and Varnish application at Shore Parkway Head Start

We were fortunate to be invited to the  Shore Parkway Head Start to conduct Oral Hygiene Education and instructions.

The children were very excited to watch and learn via the videos we showed them about healthy eating habits, tooth-brushing techniques, and caries prevention. The excitement grew even more when we were able to have them demonstrate what they learned on our Animal Helper Soft toys 🙂 After a spirited round of Q&A, we distributed goodie bags filled with the supplies they had just learned about.