COMD4900 - Internship

Ethics in Graphic Design 2

When using other people’s work in your design, you must always credit the creator of the image. It is illegal to use another person’s artwork without crediting them or providing their website or any other information about them. You can face court orders or fines for not giving proper credit to others (which can escalate into serious legal actions). This is why I always source images from other creators when using them in my designs.

The article I’ve read by E. O’Connell mentions that employees should understand the company’s expectations from them before signing the employment agreement. After reading this, I have some new understandings about signing an employment agreement. The first is the intention of the employer. Signing such an agreement is not only about some conditions and benefits that the company promises to employees, but it is also about building a work relationship between the company and the employee that will define how your role will be in the organization. At the same time, it is a bilateral contract and may be negotiated. It is binding on both parties and is not changed after it was signed unless there are disagreements or misunderstandings expressed by both sides clearly in advance.

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