Progress Report

First Report

Before a meeting with Professor Hosni, I planned to create a main medieval city or town that contained a lot of different stores and buildings, such as a market, restaurant, hotel, weapons house, church, grocery store, flower shop, etc. It was sort of imitating Genshin Impact’s initial city, Mondstadt, and then starting to model the character, and probably at the end of the semester, starting to code the character controller so the player could move the character and explore the world. Then, after I had talked to Professor Hosni, he reminded me that what I want to make is an RPG game, but what I’m doing right now is not very much of an RPG game, so he suggested I start with the coding part first because that’s the core of my project. After I do the programmed functions like the controller, enemy, and other functions I may want to have, such as the dialogue system, I can start building my world. So that’s currently the direction I’m working on. So far, I have the basic character controller work, like walking and running. I also have two attack animations, so when the player draws his weapon, it plays two attack animations, and with each animation, I also set the value of damage it will cause. What I’m planning to do next is make the enemy system, so basically, it should function on its own when it detects a player; it should attack the player; otherwise, it should walk around the specified area.

Second Report

Since the feedback I received in my last report, I’m now focusing on accomplishing the combat system, which means at least allowing the player to control a character and then perform simple interactions such as walking, running, equipping weapons, attacking, and restoring health. Then create the non-boss and boss monster Ai, which can execute, walk, run, and attack by itself. At present, I have completed the player part, and the monster part is almost complete. I only have to perfect some transitions between animations and conditions to trigger specific animations, such as playing attack animations. When the player is at a certain distance, it triggers running when the player enters the enemy’s perception range, etc. Then, when I finish this, the next step is to start making the UI parts, like the start/end interface, background music, and some audio effects, creating the world scene, and adding special effects.