Using one of the prompts below create a 30 second sound design piece. You must use at least 5 different sources.

  • Bank robbery
  • Haunted house
  • Terrorist attack (Times Square)

When you are finished export>mixdown session > .wav file or mp3 and upload them to your google drive. Then share the link (make sure “share with world” is ticked) and post the link to your Openlab with a paragraph explaining your process, challenges, etc.

Project File

Google Drive Link:

I chose to create a soundscape using the Haunted House theme. I felt I could capture a good moment after seeing so much Resident Evil movies and games these last couple of weeks (Haha). I started with footsteps on a creaky staircase, then from there had my character opening doors, only to be surprised by ravenous dogs. The man gasps in fright, slams the door shut and scrambles to find a way out of this cooky mansion. I had some good fun and especially after hearing the end product. Looking for sources that are good for what you want is the most difficult part of the project.