A Communication Design Portfolio

Author: Steven Taveras (Page 1 of 2)

Steven Taveras – City Cleaners

MTEC-1102 Production Practices


You are part of this neighborhood clean-up program charged with removing trash from all the boroughs. Too much trash has been piling up and the worker that hauls in the most trash wins the game. But don’t be fooled, there are others that want to win as well and will try and get in your way. City Cleaners is a 2 – 4 Player, Roll and Move turn-based board game for anyone 8 years and older.

Download Presentation

Download PDF

Steven Taveras – Mind Peace

MTEC-1102 Production Practices – Mind Peace

Mind Peace is an app designed to give people an opportunity to find relief from their anxieties in their busy schedules. Whether it is listening to soothing music, reading positive affirmations, getting helpful hints on anxiety relief, ordering anxiety-reducing products, searching for new exercises to calm your body and mind, or simply looking for professional help, Mind peace has what you need.

– Concept Document

– Slide Presentation

Slide Presentation PDF

Sound Project

Using one of the prompts below create a 30 second sound design piece. You must use at least 5 different sources.

  • Bank robbery
  • Haunted house
  • Terrorist attack (Times Square)

When you are finished export>mixdown session > .wav file or mp3 and upload them to your google drive. Then share the link (make sure “share with world” is ticked) and post the link to your Openlab with a paragraph explaining your process, challenges, etc.

Project File

Google Drive Link:


I chose to create a soundscape using the Haunted House theme. I felt I could capture a good moment after seeing so much Resident Evil movies and games these last couple of weeks (Haha). I started with footsteps on a creaky staircase, then from there had my character opening doors, only to be surprised by ravenous dogs. The man gasps in fright, slams the door shut and scrambles to find a way out of this cooky mansion. I had some good fun and especially after hearing the end product. Looking for sources that are good for what you want is the most difficult part of the project.

Photo Retouch Project

Using the photo correction tools – spot healing/healing/patch/content-aware + the adjustment tools: levels, etc. to repair a damaged photo of your choice. Google Damaged photo and download an image that is damaged and fix it. Post both on your site.

  • This was not as simple as it looked only because i had to somewhat reconstruct the right eye.

Midterm Peer Review

For the cover reviews I chose Daniel Velez and Enan O’Mally’s pieces to comment on.

Daniel Chose to do redesign of an album cover for the post hardcore band Alesana. I really like the the redesign because it obviously makes it more colorful and attractive to my eye. The original looks very gloomy and i sense they are going for a post apocalyptic feel. But if I were walking down the isle the redesign would probably catch my eye a lot sooner. The shapes on the redesign give it a retro -future spiritual type of feel like David Bowies albums.

Link to work – https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/dannyv-eportfolio/

The Second piece I would like to discuss is Enan’s book cover for Eragon by Christopher Paolini. The Cover is simple in its design and concept and the colors are used effectively in my opinion. I can clearly see its a dragon because of my familiarity with the series. Someone that does not know as much might be confused so i would focus on making the eye look more believably dragon like. I particularly like the fonts that were used which are very appropriate for this genre.

link to work – https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/eomalley-eportfolio/

This is my quick assessment of my peers projects.

Book Cover Redesign

Project – Album Art/Book Cover – Re-design an album/book cover or create an original design that responds to the content.

Over the years i have read many authors, Terry Goodkind, tad Williams, Charlaine Harris being some of my favorite go to relaxation books for entertainment.

The book I chose to redesign was “Nest” by Terry Goodkind.

Normally he writes fantasy epics such as “The Sword of Truth” series that was adapted into a television network show named “legend of The Seeker.” Nest was his very successful foray into the supernatural thriller Genre.

Surreal Landscape Project

Project – Hyper Realism and De-contextualizing the Normal – A series of 3 images – 8.5 in x 11- Combine at least two images to create a surreal scene. Consider the light source and creating shadows.

Female Centaur Archer (In Progress)
surreal landscape
Surreal Landscape “New York Desert”
Surreal Landscape “Cold Comfort”
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