Internship Blog Fall 2017

Internship at the Women’s Press Collective

COMD 4900

Professor Stella Nicolaou


1st ENTRY. 

Founded in  1982 , Women’s Press Collective (WPC) is an all  volunteer , non-government funded , membership association uniting  writers , designers , printers and other  media professionals  with  low-income and working people, community and labor organizers , students  and other concerned  community  women  and men  to develop alternative  media  resources  in the interest of low-income  and working communities .WPC uses and teaches an organizing  approach  that assures the voice of a minority  can gain  in strength  and determination  using publication as  organizing  tools.

WPC is   a  small   public   organization and it  has  a  two  office location in  New York, one  in Brooklyn and the other  in the Bronx .Nevertheless , WPC has  partners all  over  United  States   and has friends abroad.Most of the clients of the WPC  are small  local  business  and sometimes  Union Organizations . Currently  Im working on  redesigning   WPCs brochures , flyers  posters .My position includes  phone calls  receiving  and attendance  of the company meetings


My position at the  Women’s Press Collective  covers  variety  of activities such as  phones answering , publication design   and group  discussion   meetings. This  internship  program  was  provided  by the school  due to the lack of  available programs at that time. Nevertheless , I really appreciate  that  a have  a  chance  to participate  and be  a part of  WPC’s organization  and  mostly  because  I admire   their political  and  social awareness which is perfectly corresponds with my personal views  regarding media and corporate impact on it . At  the  office , which is  located  in Gowanus Brooklyn , mostly I’m dealing with Lisa Daniel , operations manager and main supervisor.On the first interview  I was introduced  to a short history of the WPCs organization and i was  asked a couple of questions  about  todays media , my knowledge  of that topic and my opinions .In general the interview went very smoothly and i was accepted right away.Now  I’m  working mostly with a redesign  of their   brochures  , flyers and posters .



Women’s Press Collective  located  near    Gowanus Canal  neighbor  in Brooklyn . The neighborhood   mostly   occupied  by industrial and manufacturing  zones and shops .Office located on the  second  floor  of one of  those   commercial   offices at the area.The  office  has  a  two large rooms with   open work areas, so everyone  can  see each other  at work. Women’s Press Collective really  doesn’t   have  a  strict   dress code  in the  office , everyone   dressing casual or business  casual . In the same  way  my  dress    code  is the same  one that  i wear  at school which is casual  and sometimes business casual .For me  usual working day  at the  office , from 10am till 4 pm , starts with a  coup of green tea with  honey.While I’m cooking tea  I can  discuss  with  Lisa (our supervisor )  details  of the new or  previous projects.She  usually  provides  here opinion or  critiques  for  the  current projects that I’m working  on  and  then when we  getting to a consent  we  may  discuss future projects. Most of the time  Im working  with my  laptop   because  they  have older  version of the computers  and operating  systems , but  sometimes   Im using  their   computers  too.Sometimes  we  can  have  a  discussion   group meetings  at  the conference   table  but  mostly  everyone is  busy  with  their own projects .We  have  a lot  of  visitors , and   everyday   Im meeting  a  new  people .Sometimes  its  clients ,sometimes coworkers  from different cities , and of course    plenty of  volunteers .WPC office  has  really  interesting   press  machine right  in the office and  a huge  library   with a selected  books , all  this  was   donated   by labor organization .In general  , its  a   very quiet  space and  people   are  nice and  easy going .Have no complaints .




I think , one  of the main skills that  I’m learning  at the WPC  is to  how  to be a  able to communicate  in a working  environment  with people. To be  able to  convey  ideas  and share personal  opinions   , understand  what  exactly   person is requiring   from  you  and  in what  mater you  have to  propose  your ideas  regarding   your projects . For  example , our supervisor  didn’t  approved    my  first  brochure   that  I designed  for  them .After  discussion and short  critique    i came up   with a  better  solution  and it  did  work  pretty  well.From  that  point I realized  how  critical is to  understand what exactly  clients  want’s you   to do for theme.Everyday we  have new  people  at the office – volunteers, students from other  departments , clients  and coworkers from other  cities . By talking  with theme  It really  helps me to improve my communication  skills .


Women’s Press Collective is an all  volunteer , non-government funded organization  and  it is mission is to  support non corporate  news/press  sources in order  to maintain objective  flow of information in the mass media  and in that way  support labor communities.WPC  has a  long   background  history , and  because of that    I’ve learned    a lot   about women’s labor history  and in general labor history   in the US .Ive   discovered how  media   is  being  effected  by  large  corporations  and  a lot  of  facts related  to a  publication and press production. As  a  graphic designer  i think   it  is   very  important  to  understand  and  know how    mass media  works  in this country and  whole  world in general.


My typical  day  at   the  office  starts    at 10 am till  4pm.Nevertheless ,it  takes me one  hour  in one way  to get  there , so I have plenty of time to read  or  review my notes.Most  of  the  time  I’m  working  on  my laptop if the  project in progress. If I    start    new  project     I usually  discuss it with our supervisor Lisa Daniel  . After   every project  is  finished   i  have  to showed  it  to  our supervisor  ,if there  some  mistakes are made   i  need  to correct  it  and then review  it again  until perfection is done . Sometimes  Im answering phones if no one is  around. There is  a lot  of  students  from   different departments  at the WPC and it is a  great   opportunity   to talk with mates about their  school   progress  and to share my own experience.It helps  me  to  understand   my   current situation . Once in  a while on the kitchen , while  making  a  tee  , we  can  have interesting  discussions  related to  a   graphic design field .Its  a very quiet office , despite  that its location is in the manufacturing  area.


7th ENTRY 

As  I mention before , WPC  host  a lot  of  new  people everyday.Most of  theme are  volunteers  and students. Every day  i have an opportunity   to  talk  with new   people  and it is  very  educational  because    some  of them  are  students  from different  majors  schools .For  example  we   had a  very  interesting   conversation   with a  sociology   student from Brooklyn College who was  working on research    for  a class  , and we  agreed  upon that  Women’s Press Collective  is a perfect place  to  do   a  research and gather  data .So far  my  internship  is going  pretty  well . I  really  like  at  this  place  and   coworker   are  really  nice  here



Recently   we  had a short lecture  on women’s labor  history in the USA  and presentation on WPC’s  officials  trip to south America on the labor  conference that  was  conducted   in Venezuela .Our supervisor  provided  interview  which   was  made  with Venezuelan Government officials   on the topic  of labor and mass  media  that   covers  issues   and difficulties  that  south America  is  facing right now. At  the  same time   on the  lecture  we  discussed   how US media  is  covering Americas  and World   problems  throughout their  perspective  and how  objective information is    being lost  or   simply   brutally  manipulated   by   large  corporation  that   owns most  of  the media  sources .Todsay    90% present  of media  is owned and being controlled  by    corporations  -Comcast, Disney ,News Corporation ,Time Warner, CBS Corporation ,Viacom.



9th Entry 

My internship   almost getting    to its   completion .Our supervisor  Lisa Daniel preparing  office  stuff   to  move  in a new office  location  at the Bronx.Me and other students  help at  the  office  to pack  library books in to the  boxes.At the same time   I almost done with my WPC Poster Project .Lisa and her Companion   from Switzerland  really like  my  posters. In general the hole project went pretty well . Furthermore , Their are not  sure  when they going  to move   completely  ,  but its   obviously   a huge project  for them, because  they have those  huge and   heavy  printers , and I think  they  are not  sure  how they going to deal with it .Approximate  date of the move is a  mid December .I hope  their going  to make it .



10th Entry

On november  10th I have   finished   my 125 hours  of my internship at the Women’s Press Collective .I submitted  all  my work to our supervisor  and we  had   some  critique on it.Ive showed  to  here  my  finals  of  WPC posters and  Lisa  Daniel  really liked  it, so  she asked me if I   can  make   Women’s Day postcards or brochure  for  the march 8th and I gladly  agreed.Right now WPC is in   moving process  to new  location  to the Bronx  and I wish them luck with it . Overall , I think i had  really  great  experience at this office, and the people  where really  nice .Ive learn a lot of new skills and approaches  that  can  be very helpful  in  a working   environment  such as  time management   and  organization. In conclusion ,I’m really thankful to this  organization  and I wish them all  the  best , in the same  way  i hope  they  would find more  supporters  in their successful future .


Final Presentation 
