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Category: COMD 4900 Internship (Page 2 of 2)

Ethics In Design: Part 2

2a)As a student of design, many of us use images online for our projects. But if you were to design something as a designer for a client using copyrighted images, the client, and you will both be in trouble. You can get sued for using work of others and making money off it. It is always best to ask the original owner for permission or ask to credit them before using it. In the past, when I first started as a freshman, I used very well known images like I Love NY by Milton Glaser in presentation projects without giving credits because everyone knew who it was. But after I learned about copyright and credits, I started giving credit for everything I use from online. Students can give credit when using other creators work by having their name or link on the project.

2b) Copyright is a way a designer can claim ownership of the work they created. Using images that are copyrighted without permission can lead to serious trouble, such as getting sued for a big amount of money. As for the Shephard Fairey Copyright case, being sued for taking a photo without permission is the right thing. Shephard Fairey used a photo taken by Garcia for his own project without permission. The HOPE poster was created by Fairey using Garcia’s image of former President Obama. He has made a lot of profit with the image that was used to create thousands of stickers and T-shirts. Fairey gained much recognition for a photo he did not take. Fairey ended up being sued because of that, taking credit for the photo. He designed and change the colors, but did not give any credit to the original owner of the photograph. I believe that as a designer, you will have to be more responsible with the work you use to create your own designs. You also have to get permission when using other’s images or work to create your designs.


AIGA: Business and Ethics PDF



Ethics In Design: Part 1

1a) Ethics is about knowing what’s right or wrong to do. When it comes to ethics in design, it is important for designers to make sure anything you do as a designer won’t cause harm to you and your clients. Designers should always be respectful to co-workers and clients. Knowing ethics helps us make decisions that can positively impact you and others. As a designer, you should know what you can use and what you cannot use for designing. Using other’s work for your designs are known as copyright. You have to make sure the work you are using allows you to use it. No matter what, as a designer, we must get permission from any work we use that is not ours. Asking or researching is safer than anything happening to you. When clients see that you know what you’re doing, their trust in you grows. This will lead to better outcomes of design projects. Designers have many responsibilities when taking care of clients and the work they’re given.

1b) In my internship, I create my own design work, but I also use other’s work for posts. I use other’s images and videos and design of them. For example, Instagram Reels, I find other Instagram pages reels to be posted. But when using other videos, in the post’s captions it credits the original owner. You must always give credits for any work you use that you do not own. If you take credit for work you did not create, you can end up getting in trouble and having to pay a huge fine. A Non-Disclosure agreement is an agreement between the employee and company to protect any confidential information from being shared to the outside world. I did not have to sign a Non-Disclosure agreement in my internship because the work I am doing for my company is used to be shared in public with the world.



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