Design Journal #24

Prismatic color

Formal- Prismatic colors are the colors that can be seen when white light goes through a prism.


Informal- colors are visible when the lights are reflected.

Muted color

Formal- Muted colors are colors that are less intense.


Informal- when two complimentary colors are mixed.

Achromatic gray

Formal- An achromatic gray is a gray color in which the red, green, and blue codes are exactly equal.


Informal- complimentary colors are exactly gray.

Chromatic gray

Formal- A chromatic gray is a gray color in which the red, green, and blue codes are not exactly equal, but are close to each other, which is what makes it a shade of gray


Informal- complimentary colors are close to gray but not exactly the same.

Additive color

Formal-Additive color mixing begins with black and ends with white; as more color is added, the result is lighter and tends to white.


Informal-when the primary colors are mixed it turns white.

Subtractive color

Formal-Subtractive color mixing means that one begins with white and ends with black; as one adds color, the result gets darker and tends to black.


Informal- when the primary colors are mixed it turns black.

Bezold effect

Formal- Bezold Effect, also referred to as the “assimilation effect,” is an optical illusion where a color’s hue or value is affected by the color or colors surrounding it.


Informal- color is valued in differently with different color.

Color interaction

Formal-Color Interaction. pertains to the idea that color perception is dependent on color relationships. Simultaneous contrast. can be defined as the way colors interact and affect each other.


Informal- relationship between colors.