Suspense Story


On one evening, a couple enjoys there small winter vacation by roasting marshmallows on a nice hot camp fire. The couple is being watched by an unfamiliar person or thing. They scan the couple’s camp sight and find a tent. We suddenly see a large furry arm reach towards the tent. It goes inside the tent and looks through the tent, we then have visual of a baby. The baby suddenly wakes up and we see a giant bear through the baby’s eyes! The couple still outside see big footprints leading to their tent. The boyfriend enters tent, he looks through the tent to see if he sees anything out of place. He sees the baby still sleeping then suddenly he sees the big bear. The bear is eating his spaghetti, the boyfriend triggers a gun then points it to the bear. The bear panics and runs right out of the camp sight. The couple lives happily ever after with their baby safe and sound next to the warm camp fire. Suspension Story JPEGSuspension Story JPEG2Shot List JPEG

About Stephanie Ramos

Hello. Welcome to my E-portfolio site; my name is Stephanie Ramos. I was born in Queens, New York and raised in Westbury, New York. I attended Westbury High school and Joseph M. Barry Career and Technical Educational Center also know as Barry Tech. At Barry Tech I studied graphic design, advertising animation. I learned to use Adobe Photoshop Illustrator and Indesign. I am currently a freshman enrolled in City College of Technology; I am going for my Associates degree in Advertising Animation. I have always had a passion for design and the creation in them. I am now in my first graphic communication course. I am thrilled to learn new aspects of design in my courses.
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