Day At The Park

On one great afternoon Lily wanted to go take a walk to the Eisenhower Park. Before she even went into the park Lily was alarmed by a sound, it was a meowing sound. Lily enters the park and follows the meowing sound. She then suddenly finds the tree where the sound is coming from, her eyes scan the tree from bottom to top till she finally catches a glimpse of a cat. Lily is stunned then almost immediately she takes out her phone and dials 911, firetrucks come almost instantly speeding through the park to Lily.  She shows the fire fighter the cat stuck on the tree. The fire fighter then climbs all the way up on tree and gets the cat down from the tree. Lily ends up living happily ever after with the cat. Day at The Park Day at The Park Part 2Shot List

About Stephanie Ramos

Hello. Welcome to my E-portfolio site; my name is Stephanie Ramos. I was born in Queens, New York and raised in Westbury, New York. I attended Westbury High school and Joseph M. Barry Career and Technical Educational Center also know as Barry Tech. At Barry Tech I studied graphic design, advertising animation. I learned to use Adobe Photoshop Illustrator and Indesign. I am currently a freshman enrolled in City College of Technology; I am going for my Associates degree in Advertising Animation. I have always had a passion for design and the creation in them. I am now in my first graphic communication course. I am thrilled to learn new aspects of design in my courses.
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