HW for Wed (no class next Monday)

  1. In the packet, read Chen’s “Don’t Be a Stranger.”
  2. Revise your “Media Analysis” post so that you are asking two specific questions about an enigma or conflict in the media you have shared.
  3. Proofread and revise one of your full-length blog posts.

1 thought on “HW for Wed (no class next Monday)”

  1. In the article “Don’t be stranger” by Adrian Chen, the author shows how easy it is to manipulate online and be someone else that you’re not.  Internet came out over a decade ago and its still the same but now it much faster. The problem of being catfished is still the same, and that why there is a show called Catfish on MTV. Creating a fake profile and talking to someone to get in a relationship is not something you want to trust. Overtime internet had progressed by providing people dating websites and apps. But now there is another problem, which is people lying about their wealth and occupation. Now they are manipulating their income to get with someone else. But dating website does work for some people like Austin. Austin found his girl Dana form a dating website and got married to her, and its been 8 years they got married. This shows that even tho there will be a lot of misleading things, there will be a low ratio of working this whole catfish thing out.

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