In the world of social media and texting, expressing emotions is ultimately based on emoticons and memes. A meme is an entertaining video, image, or text that gets shared and utilized from person to person on the Internet. This particular image of Spongebob Squarepants is an example of a meme, one that expresses sarcasm and mockery. Typically, this image is used with an added text. When someone wants to mock someone for what they are saying, they repeat them but with a mix of both capital and lowercase letters. For example, if someone were to say “I am getting so fat,” the next person would respond with “I aM gEtTiNg fAt.” The image of Spongebob expresses the facial expression and body gestures of the persons sarcasm and the poorly used grammar in the text expresses their tone in mockery. As technology evolves, many new things are getting introduced to the world of social media, one of the most recent being memes.
- As memes are a means to expressing emotion through the Internet, what will be followed by memes? What extent will these images go to?
- Do you believe memes get the job done? Is it enough to communicate with your loved ones with images of Spongebob rather than the traditional ways?