HW for Monday

HW for Monday:
–Find and bring in an image, video, or other form of media connecting to your group’s research topic.
–Continue expanding and revising your Essay 1 narrative.  Bring in a print copy of your most up-to-date draft of Essay 1.
–Write a commentary on the film, Weiner (2016), directed by Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg. In your commentary, respond to the following questions: what stood out to you most about the film?  What did you find most interesting and why?  What is the “story” told by the film?  What would you say the central conflict of this story is?  How is this film connected to our coursework so far?  In other words, why did we watch it?  What does it show about the impact of technology?

18 thoughts on “HW for Monday”

  1. do we post commentary or write on paper?
    The film, Weiner (2016), directed Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg, shows a former member of the House of Representative’s attempt to become mayor while being involved in a sexting scandal. Throughout the film, there were many scenes that were meant to be taken seriously but also many that are funny. What stood out the most for me was that everything was being shown in a chronological order. The film had shown when Anthony Weiner had gotten many supports and had a high chance of becoming mayor until he was exposed further on the internet. What was exposed was the alias “Carlos Danger”, which he had used to send explicit photographs to at least three women. Although Weiner regret doing such a thing, there is nothing he can do to change the fact that he had done so. This film shows us although people can hide behind a screen online, it can still affect a person in reality. Anthony Weiner had probably never thought the pictures that he sent online would ever be found out by the public, and the women that he sent the pictures to, to expose him at his most crucial moment.

  2. In the Weiner (2016) film, directed by Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg, what stood out to me the most was how passionate Anthony Weiner was about running for Congress even after being exposed for his multiple scandals. This was shocking and interesting to me because most of the people who attempted to run for an election and got caught in a scandal either tried to save their reputation to get votes from the public or dropped out of the race altogether. The “story” told in this film is how Anthony Weiner was a family man with strong democrat political standing, turned to an elected Congressman with a scandal of inappropriate pictures online, and then finally, to a running Congressman with another scandal of sexting a stripper. This film bought to light what Weiner went through not only in public but in private after these scandals. His private life was in shambles with his wife wanting to separate and in his public life people that were supporting him started to see that he wasn’t reliable. The central conflict of this film was Anthony Weiner’s scandals and his ability to run as a Congressman.  This film is connected to our coursework because it shows how technology, specifically social media was the downfall of Weiner’s reputation without him even realizing it because everybody was able to see what he has done due to the rise in technology in society.

  3. The film Weiner(2016) directed by Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg is about a former member of the House of Representatives , who wants to become mayor in nyc. But later he is involve in a sexting scandal and all his pictures had been posted online for everyone to see. I remember watching this on the news and I remember hearing my parents how they didn’t vote for him. Anthony Weiner is a strong Democrat and he was fighting for the middle class. Many people believed in him, but around second time more photos started to come out and the person he was sexting. This all started to ruin his private life with his wife, since later on she had wanted to separate. The central conflict is Anothny Weiner able to run as a congressman with those scandals coming out. This is connected to our course because it shows how technology can be a very powerful tool to use against someobody. But social media played a big part in Weiners life because the picture kept spreading out and no one could stop it so many news report have been making it real hard for Weiner to become mayor.

    1. Nice point here, Karina: “This is connected to our course because it shows how technology can be a very powerful tool to use against someobody.”

      Also, I’m curious why your parents didn’t vote for him.  Did they say why?

  4. The film Weiner (2016), directed by Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg is about Anthony Weiner former U.S congressman who tried to become the mayor of NYC after his resignation because of a sexting scandal. The inappropriate pictures on social media almost made his family fall apart and led to the downfall of his career One thing that stood out the most was how Anthony Weiner didnt gave up and ran for the mayor even after being exposed for sexting by 3 other woman. The central conflict of this film is how could media could have a negative impact on a persons career and personal life if you’re not careful with it.  This connects to our coursework because it is about technology and how it impacts our daily life.

  5. In the film, Weiner(2016), directed by Josh Kriegman and Eyse Steinberg,  it was about Anthony Weiner running for New York City Mayor. One thing that stood out the most in the film was while Weiner is married with his wife, Huma Abedin, he was sexting with another woman. That tragic event had dropped down his votes and brought in a lot of criticism and insults. Meanwhile, it was 2 weeks before election and Weiner was getting a pastry from a bakery store. The most interesting part about this was a Jewish man made a insult to him and Weiner answered back to him outrageous. In my opinion, the “story” told by the film is sexting ruined his chance of winning Mayor and most importantly his marriage. This film is connected to our coursework so far because this modern day, our society will count on little things and effect your life. The impact of technology to this day is ruining opportunities to improve on their lives.

    1. Sylviane, I agree that this was a very interesting scene–the one in the bakery you call our attention to here in your post:

      “Meanwhile, it was 2 weeks before election and Weiner was getting a pastry from a bakery store. The most interesting part about this was a Jewish man made a insult to him and Weiner answered back to him outrageous.”

      Did you catch what the insult was that Weiner was responding to?  Hint: it had to do with Huma…



  6. In the film, Weiner(2016), directed by Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg, the thing which stood out the most to me about the film is Anthony Weiner, who get resign from the congress because of scandal, and still has the chance to be the candidate of New York City Mayor. The most interesting thing that I found on the film is the power of Internet or online social media, because at the begin, we can saw that the support rate of Weiner was the heighest one, but when his scandal get pop up, everything change, his support rate went straight down to the bottom. The “Story” told by the film is about Anthony Weiner, the person who got resigned from the House of Representatives because of scandal news, and want to fix it by running candidate of NYC Mayor. The central conflict of this stroy is the man versus Internet or also could be the social media. This film connected to our coursework because it shows how does social media cause the downfall of Weiner’s prestige, twice, and he doesn’t even know it.

  7. Weiner (2016) is a film directed by Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg, and it’s about the career of former American Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner. Weiner’s combative personality and dedication to his beliefs won him the respect and favor of New York voters but his personal problems ruined his career. He was caught multiple times sending lewd pictures of himself to women online,      each time having his pictures leaked by those women for the whole world to see. People thought of him as a pervert and he lost all of his support, eventually having to resign due to the controversy. What stood out to me the most in this film was the fact that he continued to get himself into worse trouble after people forgave him for the nude pictures the first time. He could not learn his lesson and just stop sending pics to people, yet he seemed upset even though it was all his own fault for wasting his chance. I also thought it was interesting how he continued trying to campaign after he lost everyone’s support, like he could not accept that his time was up. You can actually see throughout the documentary how he slowly breaks down and had no idea what to do next by the end even though he started off so confident. I would say that the central conflict was between Weiner and himself because he kept giving in to his impulses and suffering the result of them. Anthony Weiner’s story directly connects with the themes of internet use and it’s negative effects. He did not physically cheat on his wife with someone in person but his internet access enabled him to send nudes. The fact that his actions hurt him so badly but he continued shows that there might be an aspect of Internet addiction involved. I believe we watched this film to see an example of someone who has lost everything due to his addiction to sexting and his inability to think of it’s effect in the long term. This film shows that people don’t care very much about what they post online even though they should. The fun and easy aspect of sexting interests people but they don’t think about how everything they post can come back to them eventually.

    1. Kaelan, you’ve powerfully described the pathos of the film here in your post:

      “You can actually see throughout the documentary how he slowly breaks down and had no idea what to do next by the end even though he started off so confident. I would say that the central conflict was between Weiner and himself because he kept giving in to his impulses and suffering the result of them.”

      Why do you think he couldn’t control his impulses?  I’m curious.

  8. In the film, Weiner (2016), directed by Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steingberg, It was about Anthony Weiner Road to Redemption to run for Mayor In New York city and win the hearts of the city after practically losing what he had as a politician In Congress due to Nudes he sent to Women that were leaked. What I found most Interesting  about the film Is how much Is how Weiner wife stayed strong through the Scandals social media had cause her  and her Husband with  their Lifestyle In Career field and also there marriage but what I liked even more Is she still had the courage to defend her Husband and speak highly about him no matter the embarrassment he put her through and staying strong for herself and the family. The Central conflict of this Film Is how Social media can have a negative impact on a person’s career and personal life and Is heavily impacted on today’s society on we use the Internet.

  9. In the film “Weiner” (2016) directed by Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg talks about Anthony Weiner and his major downfall in his political career. Anthony was a well-respected democratic congressman until he was forced to resign from his position due to a inappropriate photo of him that spread around the internet like wildfire. This has caused lots of controversy not only in his role in politics but in his personal life. He tried to get back into politics by running for mayor in the state of New York, he started to regain the trust of the American people until everything started to fall apart when more explicit photos were posted on the internet. Not only did this lead to the end of his campaign but it almost destroyed his relationship with his wife Huma Abedin. The central conflict of this film is man vs society due to the fact how Anthony was a respected political figure until several mistakes led to society turning their backs on him because of his actions. What stood out to me in this film was Anthony’s determination, no matter how difficult the situation got he never gave up on his campaign despite his odds of winning were very slim. This film connects to our classwork because it shows how technology is affecting society, and how one simple mistake on social media can ruin peoples careers.

    1. Dominik, I like what you’ve written here:

      “The central conflict of this film is man vs society due to the fact how Anthony was a respected political figure until several mistakes led to society turning their backs on him because of his actions.”

      Do you think society ought to change?  Should people have responded to Weiner differently?

  10. TheThe film Weiner (2016) there were a lot of interesting facts that stood out to me and were quite interesting. One of them was that the film in general Was interesting because it was about politician who went for the place of Mayor of the New York. Film showed us his perspective, his actions, his way of thinking to everything and also its personal relationship in the family and so. The story told by the film is about the idea that you could fall back so quickly with one, very small unthinkable move. Weiner was caught sexting with another woman and yet he was given second change, but surprisingly he did same exact thing afterwards that totally ruined his career. I think the central idea of the film is how can Internet affect people and their minds. I think we are watching this because people
    The film Weiner (2016) had a lot of facts that stood out to me and were quite interesting. One reason why it was interesting is that it was about politician who went for the place of Mayor of the New York. Film showed us his perspective, his actions, his way of thinking to everything and also his personal relationship in the family and outside of it. The story told by the film is about the idea that you could fall back so quickly with one, very small but unthoughtful move. Weiner was caught sexting with another women and yet he was given second chance, but surprisingly, he did same exact thing afterwards that totally ruined his career. I think the central idea of the film is that Internet can affect people and their minds, and can lead up to manipulation. The film is connected to our classes, because we had been talking about internet and technology affects on us.

  11. The film, “Weiner (2016), has many moments that makes me question the amount of emotional endurance a woman has. I am shocked that Huma was able to forgive Anthony Weiner for his illegal actions. The most interesting part of this film is when Huma finds out the truth about his husband, but decides to forgive him. I would say that the central conflict of this story is Weiner’s online sexting. I think this film is connected to our coursework because we have read many articles on online texting, dating, and etc. Technology is changing the way we act. For example, if Anthony Weiner had to go out and talk to women about sex. He probably wouldn’t have done that because it would ruin his reputation. He thought talking to women online would prevent the world from knowing his true identity, and he probably would have gotten away with it if he wasn’t a politician.

  12. In the document (Weiner 2006) I think the central conflict is himself and the mistakes he keeps making, he says he will stop sexting but everytime has an urge to do so and that just keeps following him throughout his campaign. This document connects to what we are learning in class because this shows how technology can change a persons point of view on another instead of believing a persons passion for something

  13. In the film, Weiner (2016) directed by Josh and Elyse Kriegman. what stood out the most to me was how much Athony Weiner loved to fight for the middle class people of NY. What i found the most interesting is why his wife Uma wanted to stay with me and give him so many chances after all the scandals and nudes he sent out to these women. I say the story behind this film is that his personal issues is conflicted with his work. the film is connected with our classwork is that Weiner is using the internet to send explicit photo to women he is interested into. We watched this film to show us how people use social media to escape the real world or use it as a second life per say. What this shows about the impact of the internet is it has made people bolder and more daring because people dont really show there stuff outside no more but they will show it on the internet.

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