8/27–Millennials, Online Literacy, Homework

A brief Google Images search for the key term “millennials” yields the following results:


To survive without losing our minds in today’s age of “fake news,” we need to know how to ask questions about and analyze images and info online.  To do this is to practice “online literacy.”  Let’s dive in:

0) What is / who are the subject(s) of this image?  What is its topic, “story,” action?  What objects seem significant to the subject and/or topic of this image?  What might the “backstory” or “context” of this image be?

1) Why might this image [or, taken together, these images] have been made?  What are the possible purposes involved in the production of these images?

2) What might the “message” (or messages) of this image be?

3) How has this image been constructed?

3a) Using what media (photography, photoshop, etc.)?  Using what kind of lighting (natural, artificial, etc.)?  3b) How is the image framed?  (What is in the image and what is not in the image?)  What is the angle from which the image is taken (low, high, God’s eye, etc.)?

3c) How much of the frame does the subject take up?  (How large does the subject appear to be in comparison to the other objects in the image?  Why might this be?)

3d) What is in the foreground of this image?  What is in the background?  Is there a relationship between what is in the foreground and what is in the background?

4) What might be the connections between questions #2 (message?) and #3 (how made?)?

5) Who made/published this image?  When?

HW: Activate CT e-mail and join OpenLab. Post answers to the above questions.  Read pp. 1–6 in Packet 1. Read and do exercises on pp. 1-4 of Grammar Book.

42 thoughts on “8/27–Millennials, Online Literacy, Homework”

  1. The subject of this image are the people in it; meanwhile the topic, story, and/or action is the fact that people are so drawn to their phones, as we saw in the image, there was no verbal communication going on, everyone was stuck on their devices. The objects that seem significant to the subject and/or topic of this image are the phones and everything else going on around them that they don’t seem to notice. The possible “backstory” or “context” of the image may be the fact that people spend too time on their phone they seem to forget about anything going on around them.

    This image might have been made as a propaganda to get a message across. The possible purposes involved in the production of these images is to show the lack of attention being drawn to it.

    This image was constructed in my opinion with regular photography although it is kind of giving an artificial effect (also in my opinion) but that’s natural for photoshoots to get a more photographic look. The image has a realistic idea that is coming across as a message(cars being faded in the background along with trees and a store on the side, then there’s the people that’s so attached to their phones);what is not in the are people except the ones being photographed, there isn’t an ocean of some sort which shows they are most likely in the city and not just on a bridge or something. The angle of the picture seems to have been taken from a direct point of view, whoever took the picture may have had to be straight across from them whether it was far or close because the photographer could’ve zoomed in or out.

    The people take up majority of the frame of the picture, which explains their role as the subject because  they seem to be the main point of the whole photo.

    The foreground of this photo is once again the people, the phone; also the bench that they’re sitting on along with the grass right behind it. In the background of this picture are the cars, trees, a store in the corner, street lights, the road, etc. I can’t really say that there is much of a relationship with the foreground and background except the fact that people do use the things in the background daily just as much as they use their phones.

    The connections between questions 2&3 is to basically sum up the importance of the image that was presented to us. They both in similar ways ask the question “what was this image trying to tell us and how do you know?”

    This was published by BBVA on March 8th 2016.



    1. Christina,

      Wonderful post overall.  I really like the details you’ve included in thinking about how this image is constructed (e.g., its lighting, framing, and so on).  To improve this, can you add to your idea that there is “no relationship” between the foreground and the background?  It seems like this could be an important way that the image sends a message: that millennials are rendered oblivious to their surroundings by their obsession with their phones.  What do you think?



    2. I agree with the point of the people spending too much time on their phone and forget about the things which are going around them, it could be the reason of why the background image been faded out. By the way, there are some word missing on the sentence, which sometime will be hard to understand.

  2. 0) What is / who are the subject(s) of this image?  What is its topic, “story,” action? What objects seem significant to the subject and/or topic of this image?  What might the “backstory” or “context” of this image be?
    The subject of this image are the millennials. The millennials are more focused on their phones rather than socializing with friends in person. The image depicts how much of a distractions phones are.
    1) Why might this image [or, taken together, these images] have been made?  What are the possible purposes involved in the production of these images?
    This image might have been taken to show that phones are a distraction. A possible purpose involving in the production of this image is the amount of time people spend on their phones around the world.
    2) What might the “message” (or messages) of this image be?
    The message of this image is to inform millennials about how much of a distraction a phone is.
    3) How has this image been constructed?
    This image has been constructed by having a group of people sit on a bridge go on their phones.
    3a) Using what media (photography, photoshop, etc.)?  Using what kind of lighting (natural, artificial, etc.)?  
    I think the image has been photoshopped because the headlight on the cars are on and I’ve never seen people turn them on in the morning.
    3b) How is the image framed?  (What is in the image and what is not in the image?)  What is the angle from which the image is taken (low, high, God’s eye, etc.)?
    The people are taking up about sixty five percent and the background takes up the remaining thirty five percent. The angle from which the image is taken is approximately one hundred eighty degrees.
    3c) How much of the frame does the subject take up?  (How large does the subject appear to be in comparison to the other objects in the image?  Why might this be?)
    The subject takes up a large portion of the frame. The subject is fifteen times bigger than the building. It is much bigger to show that the subject is closer while the other objects are farther away.
    3d) What is in the foreground of this image?  What is in the background? Is there a relationship between what is in the foreground and what is in the background?
    The foreground of this image shows the subject and the background of this image shows a building and cars. There is a relationship between the foreground and background because it makes the image realistic.
    4) What might be the connections between questions #2 (message?) and #3 (how made?)?
    Question #2 and #3 are connected because it relates to the message and how the image depicts the message.
    5) Who made/published this image?  When?
    Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)  published this image in 2016

  3. The subjects of the image are the group of friends who are taking a selfie of themselves. The story which is some friends who are considered the millennials are just taking a selfie,with a phone which is significant to the story and image as it shows the true value and importance to millennials which is technology.

    This image was made to shoe the different views of millennials one who aren’t occupied by technology and the other which are preoccupied by technology. The background image is the subjects that seem to be not so interested in technology as they are simple in there pose and expressions. Whereas the foreground picture has the subjects posing with different facials expresssions indicating the imptance and affect of technology on millennials.

    The overall message of the image is to show how much millennials have invested there time to technology that it is needed to capture every moment instead to just live in the moment. Technology has occupied our time as we use technology more than we actually socialize, which only affects our generation and our interactive skills. Technology overall has greatly impacted millennials are it is all that they focus upon and care about.

    The image was constructed to be have someone take an image of and image where someone else to the image. Where it was also photoshopped to have the image in the foreground be different than the one in the background. To show the different views of millennials how the background was of those who aren’t millennials because technology isn’t as valued in there time. Whereas the foreground shows millennials who give great importance to technology. The image is framed around the phone as it shows the importance of technology as it is the main focus in the image and is the only part of the image to have some focus showing its true importance in the currrent milllennial generation. The picture was taken at a higher angle but the phone is at a medium angle in the image.

    The phone takes up about one third of the image, which can show how the background is the past millennials wher technology wasn’t needed; you could enjoy your time without any devices. Whereas the foreground shows the importance and affect that technology impacts your daily life and skills, with technology you may seeem distracted whereas without it you can be much more productive.

    The connection between the message and how the image is constructed show how millennials are a generation who are considered to be more invested in technology because it has become apart of our daily life and anything we do. Technology essentially is our life we need it every where we go in order to capture everything and to stay up to date with society and social media.

    This image was published by Media Venue in 2018


    1. Safiyah, I like how in depth you explained the main message but without making it difficult to keep up with. One thing I would suggest you do is check for typos because there are a few.

  4. These images shows what society thinks of the millennials. The images show a group of people who aren’t verbally communicating but spending their times with their phones. The purpose involved in the production of these images is to show how the majority of the people think of the millennials  to be focused only on our current technology. The message of the image is to show how millennials depend on their technology. The producers of the image are trying to send a message to show them what society thinks of them.

    This image has been digitally photographed where the hand holding the phone is the subject in the photo and the background shows the millennials. It’s in a rectangular shape where the phone is in the middle. The lighting is focused on the phone rather than the actual people behind it with an artificial lighting. The medium close up shot was used to show the phone with the background.

    The subject looks to take up at least 1/3 of the frame. The subject is smaller while the background takes up more space. The Medium Close Up shot is zoomed closer into the subject rather than the background. The foreground in the image is the fingers holding the phone and the phone itself. The background is the millennials in the back. The foreground shows the message of the image of how millennials are focused on technology too much and the background supports it by showing that the millennials aren’t the subject in the image.

    Both the message and the construction of the image has a connection. The construction of the image helps us understand what the image is showing  us which is the foreground and background. Also, the medium close up shot is significant where it displays the subject clearly.
    This image was published by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) in 2016.

  5. The subject of the image are people. They are using their phones while they are next to each other. Phones are significant objects to the subjects. “Backstory” of the image can be that people tend to over use their phones and lack their ability of communication.

    In my opinion, main reason for making this is to let us realize that phones are changing our daily life significantly.

    Message of this image can be that we should be able to separate social and real life from each other, or we should focus on communicating verbally rather than through phones.

    Image is photography, probably with some kind of artificial lighting. There are some important details in the picture that could be purposefully used in order to give us certain message such as cars, buses, trees, etc, to let us know that it could most likely be in urban area.  Something that clearly is missing on image is communication of those people.

    Subject take up majority of the image. it could have been purposefully done in that way to increase the chances of this to impact us.

    Foreground of the image are people whom are using phones, while sitting on bench (or something else).  The background of it are cars on highway, trees that suggest it could be a park, and small building. I think there are no connections between foreground and background.

    If you want to send message using image, then you need people to listen it, and its important to have strategic way of constructing image, to reach out to audience.

    This image was published on 03/08/2016 by BBVA.

    1. I agree with your message because millennials  are viewed to be obsessed with technology. This method of only communicateing from a phone strains the individuals communication skills which will islolate them from the rest of of the people. I also like the comments you made about the image in terms of any possible doctoring.

  6. The subject of this image is how people use their phone. The topic or action would be “The management of technology (phones) as a generation”. Through this picture, the only significant subject is the phone. And therefore, how it impacted people.

    In my opinion, the purpose of making up this picture is to illustrate how phones could tear apart physical communication, such as eye to eye facing while speaking. And instead, all source of communication is given through devices. In this case, phones, as they seem to be watching all the same content.

    The message of this picture is to demonstrate the way society lives, illustrating that the new generation is attached to their devices.

    I believe that this picture has been constructed with photoshop, as the people in it are mainly focused to illustrate the message. The background (The city portrayal behind the people) can be shown as the frame because it doesn’t give any particular information. In fact, this system of society and the attachment of their phones is happening commonly everywhere.

    In this case, the connection between “message” and “How made” is particularly just the fact that this picture was created to serve a purpose by giving a message.

    This picture was published by BBVA on March 8th 2016.

    1. I like the way that you went in to depth and explained what and how you see the image. Also liked the way you explained your answers it gives a lot of information.

    2. It was nice to see how you pointed out what part of the piece brings the whole picture together and how it can affect society when it comes to socializing with others. It is also a nice touch how you explained the use of editing software can help the author of the image give their message by pointing out that the author might’ve used photoshop to focus on the main point of the image.

  7. The Viewing of This Image shows The expression Of Teens through the new age of Technology  In a camera .  With This being said this imagery  In my opinion represents  the possibility of the Photo   possibly being Photoshop because of the High angle Opposite outside of the Imagery In the background  along with the different facial  expressions Inside the camera and from the outside.  In fact  the phone Subject seems to be bigger than comparison to the people.

  8. The subjects of this image are five people who are on their cell phones. This image [or, taken together these images] may have been made to depict how millennials are so addicted to their technology, it keeps them from verbal communication with their peers and often keeps them from enjoying the living their lives because they’re so dedicated to posting everything they do on social media. From my point of view, I believe the “message” or “messages” of this image is that we are so attached to our technology that if something were to happen to it, we wouldn’t know how to move on with our lives.


    This image has been constructed so that the main focus is on how happy the five subjects look as they’re using their phones. Compared to the smaller view of the traffic behind them and store next to them, the subjects take up the majority of the frame. This may be because when we do get so engrossed on what we see on our cell phones, our surroundings seem to blur out.


    The connections I can make from the messages and construction of this is image are that the publisher wanted the viewer to notice how much technology can occupy a person’s mind to the point where they aren’t even concerned with the lack of verbal communication and how the subjects could be missing out on exciting new ventures by being caught up on their phones

    This image was published by BBVA on March 8, 2016

    1. Chyna,

      Great explanation of you thinking whats going on in this image, especially how their not communicating verbally; only through technology. However, you can explain more on whats going on in the background and not only the people using their phone.

  9. 0)      What is / who are the subject(s) of this image?  What is its topic, “story,” action?  What objects seem significant to the subject and/or topic of this image?  What might the “backstory” or “context” of this image be?
    The subjects in this image are young adults who seem to be very intrigued into their mobile devices. The subject of this image are millennials which this specific generation is known for being “attached” to their phones due to the availability of Social media platforms and other forms of communication over the phone.
    1)      Why might this image [or, taken together, these images] have been made?  What are the possible purposes involved in the production of these images?
    These images may have been created to show how millennials adapted along with technology as it advanced over the past decade. However, this image also shows how most of society is moving away from verbal communication and relying heavily on these portable devices in order to Keep in contact with others.
    2)       What might the “message” (or messages) of this image be?
    The message of these images is to show how society has changed. Some may take these images as a positive message since we can do so much on these smaller devices that we could never do in the past. On the other hand, some may think of these images as a negative impact to society due to the fact that these changes in technology limit younger people form developing good social skills in face-to-face conversations.
    3a-d) How has this image been constructed?
                The image is centered around these five millennials around eye level with the background blurred making them the primary focus. Furthermore, effects such as filters were applied to make the image seem brighter than it actually is. (can be seen on the woman with the curly hair) Another effect that is obvious is the skin correction which removes unwanted blemishes or acne from the image. The foreground of the image shows 5 young adults sitting on a public bench gazing into their smart devices while the background shows a bright active city showing the other parts of society functioning while these 5 individuals are missing all of it.
    4         What might be the connections between questions #2 (message?) and #3 (how made?)?
    Questions 2 and 3 share a connection because they both work together to develop an understanding of the image. As mentioned before this image mainly focuses on these 5 individuals and their phones showing only smiling expressions but not and verbal or physical interaction. All of these clues develop the image and its meaning.
     5) Who made/published this image?  When?
    This image was published by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) on March 8th 2016.

    1. I think all questions are answered and detailed very well. Though, I think background could have a little more description.

  10. 0) The subjects of this images are the people and how they’re engaged with their phones. This shows how millennials may be more engaged with developing the technology.

    1) This image may have been made to show how millennials are more focused on their phones rather than have a verbal conversation.
    2) The message is that millennials have more fun/entertainment on their phones than having people around them.
    3)This image was constructed by a photograph
    3a) Using what media (photography, photoshop, etc.)?  Using what kind of lighting (natural, artificial, etc.)?  
    I think the image has been photoshopped because the skin tone of the people seems colorful, like their full of energy. The lighting used was natural.
    3b) The subjects are taking up most of the frame. The angle the picture was taken was eye level.
    3c) The subjects take up most of the frame they also seem larger than the surrounding around them. This might be because the focus is on what the people are doing.
    3d)The foreground of this shows the subjects and what their doing, the background is a city street with cars and buses on it. The foreground and background ties together because they’re all on their phones and they live in a city.

    4) The connections is how it shows how the creator decide to send their message.

    5) This image was published 08 Mar 2016 by the bbva

    1. On section number 4, the connection. I think that you can go into more details about the message and a made up photo are similar to each other.

      – What. is the purpose to construct a picture. to send some massage. Therefore, once again, how is the message and a constructed photo are similar in this case?


      Also, in my opinion, you should type a paragraph instead of sections.

  11. The subject of this image are millennial’s that are using their phones. This group of people are mainly focused on technology rather than their surroundings.This image have been taken because it shows how people think of millennial’s  being addicted to their phones and how technology is becoming a new way of living.The message of this image is how millennial’s are mostly focused on using their phones without having no communication and how technology can take persons attention without making them notice what is happening around them. The photo is manly focused on the young group of people by blurring out the background and putting them into the center of the image to get peoples attention. This image is taken with a natural lighting and on the eye level. some Photoshop effects have been used like removing blemishes, blurring out the background and adding some brightness to their faces. The foreground of this image are 5 people that are using their phones, cars, trees, highway and street lights. there is no connection between the foreground and the background because the image is focused on the people and the background is being blurred out. Questions 2 and 3 have a connection because it helps us to understand why this image have been taken and what is its message.

     Published by BBVA on March 8th 2016 

    1. I like how you fully answered all the questions in full detail. Also sighting little things that would  go unnoticed to others (you have a good eye).

  12. 0. The subjects of this images are the people (probably around the ages of 20 to mid 30s) and how they’re focused with their cellphones. This shows how millennials may be more technology-focused than anything else.1.  This image probably have been made to show how millennials are focused on their cellphones rather than have a more personal face to face conversation with one another.2. The message is that millennials have most enjoyment and/or entertainment on their cellphones than having people around them to talk to.3. This image was constructed by a photograph probably. (Getting a little bit of a photoshop “vibe” from it but that’s just me)3a. the image probably has been photoshopped because the skin tone of the people seems radiant, like their full of life (almost like they have perfect skin and they never stressed about anything ever). The lighting used looks natural enough.3b. The subjects (the Millennials) are taking up most of the frame. The angle of the picture was taken was eye level.3c. The subjects take up pretty much all of the frame. they also seem more focused than the surroundings around them. This might be because the focus is on what these people are doing.3d. The foreground of this shows the subjects and what they are doing, the background is most likely a city street with a few cars and a bus on it. The foreground and background ties together because they’re all on their cellphones and they live in a city or a very active town.4. The connections is how it shows what the creator decided to send their message and how to approach it.5.  This image was published 08 Mar 2016 by the BBVA

  13. 0) The subjects of this image is the Internet and how it affect the way of how millennials communicate with each other. The object seem significant to the subject of this image is phone, beacuse the most part or function of the phone is base on the Internet, it just like the middle man between the Internet and human.


    1) The image is taken to show the relationship between new technology and millennials. The possible purpose involved in the production of this image was people began so rely on or focuse on their phone, rather than go out and look around the world


    2)The message might be on this image is millennials begin to communicate with each other by using their phone, rather than visible communicate.


    3)The image has been constructed by having five millennials sit on the fence of road or walkway and using their phone, and the image behind these people can not be see clear.

    3a)The media using on this image is photoshop, beacuse the lighting of the image is not all the same, half of it is natural, and another half of it seem like artificial.

    3b)The people who are on their phone are taking the most space of the image, and the rest part of the image are car, building, and plant. In this image, there doesn’t have any communicate with body or language. The angle from of this image is eye level.

    3c)The subject is the biggest object on image, because Internet is surrounding us, we always can get it no matter where we go, although it is invisible.

    3d)The foreground of the image are the people who are sitting on the fence and focusing on their phone. Their plenty thing on the background of this image, such as the car, plant, building , and street light. I think their is no relationship between the foreground and the background, because the background seem like have nothing to do with the foreground, just random place.


    4)The might be the connection between question #2 and #3, which is how the image been set, the people who is using their phone can be see clearly, but their surroundings cannot see clear, which may feel like they are not important, getting less attention.


    5)The image is published by BBVA on 8th Mar 2016.

    1. I think your post was good in general, but there were some things you could’ve expanded on a little more when it came to answering the questions (there were minor things you left out). But overall, your understanding of the post seems to be pretty clear.

  14. 0) The subject seems to be more focused on the phone. The picture shows people in group taking a picture, yet they are blurred out while the phone is the main focus. This photograph shows how millennials in today’s society are so focused on technology.
    1)The image seems to show how millennials and technology have a big impact our lives. So instead of them enjoying the view and explore they are just taking a photo so they can be able to post it on a social media platform.
    2)I believe the message of this image is technology is our new friend. We need it in our everyday lives, but at times we don’t notice what is going on around us. The groups expressions shows how they want to capture a perfect shot. Instead of verbal communication we now just express ourself through texting or how we are feeling through a picture. The phone controls us now since we need it in our day of age.
    3) The constructed image is five millennials together holding a phone to take a group picture. While the background is out of focus and they seem to be in some type of field.
    3a) The picture seems to be edited because the lighting seems different. The image doesn’t show what’s in the background, but it blurred out so you can see the sky, buildings, field, car etc. The image is taking from eye level.
    3c) The frame takes up everybody, but the person on the right is cut off a little bit. It seems to be the main focus looks more onto the girl with glasses. Those big hands holding the phone show how her fingers are on the button. The girl with glasses had the power to press the button to take the picture. So she wanted the focus to be on and it didn’t matter if someone else got cut off. This shows how technology can control and consume us.
    3d) The foreground is the five millennials and the background is the blurred area that we don’t see or know where they are. I don’t think the foreground and the background have a relationship between them because the background has no effect on what’s going on in the foreground.
    4) The connections between questions #2 and #3 is how you can see clearly that the group is taking a picture , but you cannot see their surroundings so their is less attention to what is going on in the world today.
    5) This was published by BBVA on March 8th, 2016

  15. 0) The subject seems to be more focused on the phone. The picture shows people in group taking a picture, yet they are blurred out while the phone is the main focus. This photograph shows how millennials in today’s society are so focused on technology.
    1)The image seems to show how millennials and technology have a big impact our lives. So instead of them enjoying the view and explore they are just taking a photo so they can be able to post it on a social media platform.
    2)I believe the message of this image is technology is our new friend. We need it in our everyday lives, but at times we don’t notice what is going on around us. The groups expressions shows how they want to capture a perfect shot. Instead of verbal communication we now just express ourself through texting or how we are feeling through a picture. The phone controls us now since we need it in our day of age.
    3) The constructed image is five millennials together holding a phone to take a group picture. While the background is out of focus and they seem to be in some type of field.
    3a) The picture seems to be edited because the lighting seems different. The image doesn’t show what’s in the background, but it blurred out so you can see the sky, buildings, field, car etc. The image is taking from eye level.
    3c) The frame takes up everybody, but the person on the right is cut off a little bit. It seems to be the main focus looks more onto the girl with glasses. Those big hands holding the phone show how her fingers are on the button. The girl with glasses had the power to press the button to take the picture. So she wanted the focus to be on and it didn’t matter if someone else got cut off. This shows how technology can control and consume us.
    3d) The foreground is the five millennials and the background is the blurred area that we don’t see or know where they are. I don’t think the foreground and the background have a relationship between them because the background has no effect on what’s going on in the foreground.
    4) The connections between questions #2 and #3 is how you can see clearly that the group is taking a picture , but you cannot see their surroundings so their is less attention to what is going on in the world today.
    5) This was published by BBVA on March 8th, 2016

  16. 0) The subject of this image is a smartphone. The topic presented in this image is the way millennials interact with technology. The phone in the center is significant to the topic. The backstory of this picture is that a group of young people were made to pose like they’re taking a group picture on the phone.

    1) These images were made with the purpose of showing how people view millennials (always with a phone in their hands).

    2) The message of this image is that millennial people are attached to technology.

    3) This imagine was constructed in a way that the viewer can see the people in the background and we can see that they’re using the phone to take a group picture.

    3a) The imagine used natural lighting and an outdoor environment.

    3b) In the image there is a group of people and a phone. What’s not featured in the image is the area behind the people  or the person taking the picture of them. The angle is close to face level of the people.

    3c) The subject (phone) takes up about a third of the image. Compared to the people in the picture, the phone is larger and in the center of the picture.The phone is shown this way to exaggerate its importance in the picture.

    3d) The phone is in the foreground and the people are in the background. The People in the background are all paying attention to the phone.

    4) The image was purposefully constructed with the phone in the center to illustrate the message that millennials are focused on their phones.


    1. Kaelan, great connection the phone to the millennial generation, indicating the obsession and importance technology has created in our society. Overall great connections between the phone and the group of friends as they represent the millennial generation.

  17. 0. The subject of the image is both the people and phone. The people in the image all seem to be having fun on their phone without paying attention on their surroundings.

    1. The image might have been taken to show the change in how people have fun over the generations.

    2. The message of the image might be to show everyone the current generation’s addiction toward phones. The people in the image aren’t paying attention to where they are and an accident might occur.

    3. The image has been constructed with five millennials on their phone with the background of what look like a city blurred.

    3a. The image was photographed and might have been edited because of the blur in the background. The lighting also seems to be artificial because some lighting seems unnatural. five millennials sitting somewhere in what seems to be a city is framed. The angle of the image is from eye level.

    3c. The subject takes up the majority of the image. I believe it is done so in order to make people focus on what the creator wants us to see.

    3d. In the foreground of the image is the five millennial focusing on their phone. The background has a blurred image of an city. I think the background of the image is to tell us the change is happening mostly in places with a more advanced level of technology.

    4. The way the image in constructed is what shows us the message and if changed, the message could also change.

    5. This image was published by BBVA on March 8th, 2016

    1. Can you explain the similarity between the message and the propose the constructed image?

      How these two ideas are are connected?

      Why. do the author of the. picture would want illustrate this picture and not other as a message.

  18. The subject of this image is about people with their  phones. This image have been made to show people are more interested on their phones rather than what’s out there in the real world; modern technology. The “message” of this image might be there is no communication face to face ; only technology.

    This image has been constructed by using their cell phones. Photography is being used with artificial lighting the background is blurry and the camera focus is sharp on them. This image is framed by a group of people. The angle as which the image is taking is eye level. The subject takes up most of the frame because you can see their whole body and the background. Also, their phones appear smaller in comparison with the people holding them. This might be because  focus has to be giving to the cell phone. I think that their is an observer in the foreground because in the background you see they might be people in their cars on their way to work. So this tells us that cell phones is a major part of communicating throughout the world. Also our generation is taken over by technology now; not us.

    This image was published by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) on March 8th 2016

    1. Hi Sylviane,

      This post was well written. However, I noticed that you said the phones are smaller in comparison to the people to put focus on the cell phones. Does that mean that you believe the subject(s) are the phones or if the subject is still people using their phones?

  19. 0) What is / who are the subject(s) of this image?  What is its topic, “story,” action?  What objects seem significant to the subject and/or topic of this image?  What might the “backstory” or “context” of this image be?
    In both photos, you see how phone(s) are present in both of them. So the subject I would guess would be phones. Phones and what they are doing to people of today’s age.
    1) Why might this image [or, taken together, these images] have been made?  What are the possible purposes involved in the production of these images?
    To show how technology (phones) have replaced things like talking face to face.  The purpose is maybe to bring people closer together with verbal conversations.
    2) What might the “message” (or messages) of this image be?
    Its ok to put the phone down sometimes.
    3) How has this image been constructed?
    By a photographer
    3a) Using what media (photography, photoshop, etc.)?  Using what kind of lighting (natural, artificial, etc.)?  3b) How is the image framed?  (What is in the image and what is not in the image?)  What is the angle from which the image is taken (low, high, God’s eye, etc.)?
    It’s natural light, and they are at an eye-level angle
    3c) How much of the frame does the subject take up?  (How large does the subject appear to be in comparison to the other objects in the image?  Why might this be?)
    It takes a good amount of space. Enough that you can still see the background. You can see the sun setting in one of the backgrounds. You can see that its still daytime. Also, you can assume there location. Such as a park or outdoor field and some type of freeway overpass.
    3d) What is in the foreground of this image?  What is in the background?  Is there a relationship between what is in the foreground and what is in the background?
    I think it was to show a less crazy/ busy background so that you can focus on the “real issue”.
    4) What might be the connections between questions #2 (message?) and #3 (how made?)?
    What are people to be aware of/for?
    5) Who made/published this image?  When?

    This was published by BBVA on March 8th, 2016

    1. I agree with the idea that “it’s ok to put the phone sometimes” because today many young people do everything with their phones  and they don’t pay attention to their surroundings. So the idea of putting their phones away would just let them to see what is really happening around the world and open their eyes a little.

  20. The subjects in the image are the people using their phones.  The most significant thing in the image would be the phones since they are all focused on them.  The context might be that its just a bunch of friends hanging out together but all on their phones.

    The picture was probably taken to portray how millennial’s look and act.  The message could be that phones are a daily part of everyone’s life.  They used a camera to take the picture.  The lighting looks natural.  They are the main focus, everything else is out of focus in the picture.  The angle is on the same level as the people in focus.

    The subject takes up most of the image.  This might be because they are the focus of the picture.  The foreground is people sitting on a bench or a railing while using their phones.  The background is cars and buses passing by below them with trees visible on the side.

    The connection between the message of the picture and how the picture was taken might be to show how modern day people are so focused on the smart phones.

    The image was publish by BBVA in March of 2018

  21. 1. I think that the image was made to show the role of technology and how it influences us.
    2. The message of this image is how people don’t communicate verbally they just use their phone to communicate.
    3. This image has been constructed to see the people and how they use their phones .
    3a. I feel like it has been photoshopped because when you zoom in their faces look really clear and clean.
    3b. It looks like itwas taken by a high angle.
    3c. It takes up the whole frame .
    3d. The foreground of this image is the group of friends. The background seems to be in a highway in the city.
    4. The connection between question #2 and #3 is that phones have a significant impact on society.
    5. It was published by Beverly Jenkins on June 29,2017

  22. The subject of this is focused on the phone. The context of the image is for socializing together but everyone is using their phone.

    The purpose is to show nowadays people just use their phones all the time even when they are right next to each other.

    The message is to possible change this my showing audiences how the reality is vs what the expectations are/ how the reality was.

    The image is constructed as a social gathering.

    This is a regular group photo.

    Question 2 is asking the message of it while question 3 is asking the looks of it.

    Google images, the trailing milennials is who made and published this image.

  23. Awesome post. I agree with the majority of your post. I have noticed that you made a mistake for question #5. What is the role of technology and how does it influence us?

  24. 0. The subject of the image is people playing with their phone. The image has been shown people are addicted to their phone and ignoring what’s happening around them.

    1. The purpose of the image was to show how the technology influences us.

    2. The massage of this image might be people are focusing on their phone instead of what’s happening around them.

    3. The image has been constructed with five millennials sit on the bench with their phone.

    3a. The image might be photographed because the background is very blurry. I think it’s artificial lighting.

    3b. The image shows a group of people using their phone but the image didn’t show what’s in the background. The image is taking from eye level.

    3c. The frame takes up everyone, the creator wants us to know how does the technology is connected with us.

    3d. The foreground of this image is people are focusing on their phone, the background of the image is a blurred city. The background image trying to tell us people are addicted to the technology instead of what happening around them.

    4. The connection between questions 2 and 3 might be the message of the image decided how the image should be constructed.

    5. The image was published by BBVA on 08 March 2016

  25. 0. The subject of this images are millennials and how they’re engaged with their phones.

    1. This photo could have been made for an advertisement purpose. The purpose of this image is to show that millennials are allows on their phone 24/7.

    2. The message of this image is to show that people born in the millennial age are more into their phones than anything

    3. I believe this image was constructed using photoshop because overpasses are more secure with fences and railings so people will not fall off.

    3a. The media they were using was photograph with some photoshop to touch it up however I do believe the lighting was natural

    3b. The picture was framed landscape

    3c. The whole picture was mainly token up by the people on there phone no the subject(s) is bigger than the background because it’s up closer.

    3d. The foreground is the people sitting on the bench or railing and the background you see buildings, an expressway, streetlights and cars. I believe this have no correlation with each other.

    4. The message is that technology is all around us and its either your in it or not

    5. Published on March, 18 2016 by BBVA

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