Blog 13 Self-evaluation

From looking for the volunteer intern during the winter break to prof. Nicolaou recommend me for the volunteer intern opportunity. Until I get a real volunteer intern opportunity in school. During these period. I learn you make sure yourself  have multiple skills and knowledge. Especially, you must have the skill for  Microsoft application, and experience work on the social media platforms. If you don’t know,  HR will not care,  they  just select other people who have those skill, because they think this is a basic skill for everyone must have. Listen, job is not easy to get, not only for paying job, even for the volunteer job. Volunteer job still select people. Although they give you a chance for volunteer interview, it doesn’t means they will hire you as volunteer.  Some volunteer company want you have multiputi skill. For example, you must know how to use creative cloud app, like photoshop, illustrator, indesign to create poster, flyer, booklet, advertising and so on.  And then you need to have the skill in web design, like coding, programing. Some of the company need volunteer as illustrator. They need the illustrator volunteer must know how to draw and paint comic book, and illustration by digital and traditional tool. Furthermore, they need you have 3D and 2D animate, model skill. If you don’t have, they don’t care, and they just skip you and choose other people who have those multiputi skill. 

Now , in united state, these are a lot of immigrant come to New York and look for the job. You shouldn’t take yourself so seriously, because you can do that, some other people also can do that. You are not the only one who have those skill. In the social everyone can replace you. You are not special and important.  Don’t take yourself as somebody. If you have at least 5 year work experience. 

When you work as intern, some company will not teach you something during the work. Most of time you need to study by yourself. If You don’t know how to do that, some of the company they don’t care, they just kick you out, and select other people who can work. The best way to solve the problem. You type your question in google and look for the answer in google. Some of the people dislike and avoid some intern who get no pay. But actually, company still dislike and avoid some people who don’t have work experience and multiple skill. It’s job select people. jo b decide who you are, and decide what you need to do for them. Even for people who want to work as volunteer intern. You have a chance in interview, but company still select other people who have more work experience, and multiple skill. After interview. It doesn’t mean they want you. 

At last, you must make yourself know everything. You must have all of the the skill which the company position requirement list point out. If you don’t have, then you have nothing to compete with other interview candidate, because one of them have more work experience and multiple skill than you. HR just select that candidate who have more work experience and multiple skill.

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