What we do

We Outline ways not only social media companies but other entities such as banks, third party Vendors, Government Officials, take advantage of your private data and use it without your knowledge this we also outline ways specifically that social media companies use your data to keep you on their platform and ways they make money off of your data and target you repeatedly this website also gives ways to defend yourself against these sort of data poachers our website also discusses our program what we plan to do and what we offer within our program and ways we plan to to protect your private data from leaking, in our program we also offer way to inform consumers about services that take your data.

The main Problem

The problem of protection of private data has been a private since the inception of the internet and it has only gotten worse with things like applications that have your data on it such as your bank information or where you live, data breaches affect you in ways that you donā€™t understand it affects with ā€œcookiesā€ that sort of stick to your data and follow you around, when you see that a topic you were talking about in your phone and you suddenly see it pop up in your internet search that is because things like google is using your data against you or when you have a pop up your data is always being tracked because of these new applications, this is a huge problem because you have to have work arounds to have privacy, privacy is not accessible in this modern day age of technology.

The problem of Data privacy started since companies started holding data and that data was at first not used for nefarious reasons but for valid reasons such as data that would be used for companies information if they wanted to buy something or when they wanted to do something else with that data they trusted whoever with that data and it was protected but companies now understood how important became when you can use that data to sort push consumers or whoever you are selling that data to buy your products.

The main problem with Companies and mostly social media companies is that they use this private data thatā€™s suppose to help you on whatever platform or application that you are using they are using it against you by making money off you by marketing things to you that you donā€™t need or things that are in your general interest, they take things like ā€œCOOKIESā€ which areĀ  small files of data that websites send to your browser and store on your device (google definition) and those ā€œCOOKIESā€ store on your browser whether you are using your phone or your laptop and they sort of track you like a GPS and if you use another software application on your phone or your browser it will recommend and this problem goes further than just recommending items for you to buy.

Our Goal

Our Goal is Simple, PROTECT THE END USER