I terminated my internship with Suitmake this week. I could not keep up with the amount of work they presented me with and the company did not seem like a proper fit for me. I am currently searching for a new internship on Indeed. I have gotten responses from two companies, 3:5 Creatives and the Billionaires Act.

I also attended an event called The State of Black Design. It was a livestream that was setup in the way that various speakers from different locations. They discussed how the design industry is lacking in black talent. They also discussed how design matters more now than it ever has and how black design is starting to change because of the current state society.

I like how you always describe your internship with details, however, the internship blogs and the blogs for the events should be separate. I know that you had an issue with your past internship, but maybe for this blog you can talk more about the other companies or you can give more details about why that internship wasn’t a proper fit for you.