App review

Throughout the semester I have been using the Flipbook app. It has been an effective way of keeping up with the topics I am interested in. My favorite part of the app is the amount and variety of genres there are. When I first started using the app I spent a very long time scrolling through the genres and picking things i would be interested in. After completing that part, I was happy with the amount of different articles there were in each of these genres. Even when an an article of the same topic was repeated, it was not the exact same article. However, there are some things that I dislike about Flipbook. There are times when I would go to an article and it would have to take you to an external link in order to read some of, and at the worst, all of the article. Other than that one annoyance, I enjoy Flipbook and i still use it.

Another app that I found useful is Bamboo Paper. This app essentially turns your phone into a paper notebook. It can be used to take notes or draw. You can add photos to pages and draw or write on them. The app comes with 2 pens that are available for writing, sketching, and coloring. 4 more mark making tools are available to be bought, a pencil, a brush pen, a watercolor brush, and a crayon. Each are available for $0.99. There are even different types of canvases that can be bought that are made for specific uses. For example, marker, artist, and writer canvases. One great feature of this app is being able to sync your notes to Wacom Cloud letting you view your pages from any web browser. Something to take note about this app is that to get the true experience you should use a stylus. Drawing or writing with your finger defeats the purpose of this app.

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