Meme-ing of the Memes

Meme 1: Photoshop

For the first meme I initially took inspiration from posts such as this –

While surfing the web for more images such as this, I found an image from call of duty which immidietly shifted what I wanted to make the meme since I played the video game and personally find the scene funny.

For context the main character Mason is being interogated and even electrocuted if not compliant. This became mainstream as meme culture took this screenshot as well as a specific scenes from the interogation to make various edits and jpegs. Many videos had the screens playing anime intros followed by Mason getting electrocuted which I honestly found hilarious.

(Contains profanity) Initial scene:

Working off of my previous concept I changed the meme from not using math in the world to having the new image depict what an Algebra class feels like. Basically working off of the anxiety felt in any math class alongside Mason getting asked “The numbers- What do they mean” felt like it worked really well.

Final result:

Final meme

Meme 2: Illustrator

When looking for inspiration I found this meme which I chose to draw massive inspiration from as I found it funny and very relatable.

To be original I decided to use this meme as a template to draw a similar version while also implementing different font sizes, the self drawn character, including a logo and more.

Initially the characters head was supposed to be a filled elipse with a black stroke but it felt too plain and proper. I think the character being drawn brings a natural feel to the meme.

Final meme

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