Author Archives: Jerron Smith

About Jerron Smith

Jerron Smith uses the working name “thepixelsmith” to denote a connection to the craftsmen of old. Though instead of metal or paint he works with a medium unique to the 20th century; the pixel. A multimedia guru and skilled designer he likes to describe himself as an animator, designer,editor, & educator; a renaissance man of the 21st century. He is a multi-faceted artist and video creator and has worked in a wide variety of different media. He has experience in both digital video/television production, and post-production as well as extensive knowledge of the Web and Print Design industries.

Presentation Schedule

6:15 Miguel Molina
6:30 Kelly,Noilya (Nelly)
6:45 Abramova, Malka
7:00 Aracena,Arcenio A
7:15 Asamoah,Wiredu
7:30 Canaria,Aliver
7:45 Chica Jr.,William Ivan
8:00 Cortes,Ivan
8:15 Gurung,Dev Raj
8:30 Mohammed,Kim N
8:45 Saenz,Anamaria
9:00 Santana,Luiyin
9:15 Tapia,Ramiro

Final Deck Requirements—Individual and Group

The Final Deck combines all of the research from the first half of the class (Stakeholder, Competitor and User) with the User Interface testing from the second half (wireframes, mockups, etc.).


  • Stakeholder (about your client/client’s company)
  • Competitor (about your products competitors)
  • User Research
    • Personas
    • Scenarios
    • User Interviews
    • User Observations
    • Collaborative Design Sessions
    • Surveys
  • Iterative Wireframes
  • Iterative Mock-ups
    • Color Studies
    • Iconographic Development
    • Typographic Development


UI Design Patterns

10 Great Sites for UI Design Patterns

You don’t want to spend your whole life redesigning the wheel do you? No, neither do we. If you are looking for a design that solves a problem that has been solved inside a different application before; then the template for your wheel is probably already out there. That’s a design pattern to you and me.

User Interface Design patterns

User Interface Design patterns are recurring solutions that solve common design problems. Design patterns are standard reference points for the experienced user interface designer.

10 UI Design Patterns You Should Be Paying Attention To

Design patterns were first described in the 1960s by Christopher Alexander, an architect who noticed that many things in our lives happen according to patterns. He adapted his observations to his work and published many findings on the topic. Since then, design patterns have found their place in many areas of our lives, and can be found in the design and development of user interfaces as well.

9 Crucial UI Features of Social Media and Networking Sites

The main function of a good user interface is to provide users with an intuitive mapping between user’s intention and application’s function that manages to provide a solution to the given task. Basically, user interface describes the way people interact with a site and the way users can access its functions. In fact, usability is a biproduct of a good user interface and it determines how easily a user can perform all of the functions provided by the site. Usability is a crucial part of every design, especially on websites with a large amount of functions and users.

Fake It ‘Til You Make It—From a UX Point of View

Rapid Prototyping, Faking It Until You Make it in a UX Driven World

The idea of “faking it, until you make it” is not new but it has a unique UX twist. The ability to develop and test prototypes at rapid rates of iteration lets you “fake” new products, get user feedback and make improvements without ever “making the product” until you have things just right. This can be a very valuable way of making a small budget go a long way.

Modeling and Mapping your Users

Mental Models
A mental model diagram is a fishbone or horizon diagram where the top towers represent individuals’ motivations, emotions, and stories related to their experience in achieving a particular goal, regardless of the tools they use.

Mental Models


Summary: What users believe they know about a UI strongly impacts how they use it. Mismatched mental models are common, especially with designs that try something new.

The Secret to Designing an Intuitive UX : Match the Mental Model to the Conceptual Model


Summary: Psychological concepts underlying good user experience and usability.

Half of UX is 90% Mental

Summary: To put it simply, a mental model is a person’s intuition of how something works based on past experiences, knowledge, or common sense.

Mental Model Diagrams (Cartoon)

By Indi Young and Brad Colbow

Summary: We tend to carefully create our HTML and CSS, and meticulously place every pixel to our designs. We plan exactly where our content should be placed on a particular site. Among many other decisions we need to make, we always keep in mind to craft a great experience for all our users. But how do we know what our users really want?

Understanding Wireframing

A Beginner’s Guide to Wire–framing

A Tuts+ tutorial–webdesign-7399

Ultimate Guide to Website Wireframing

By Cameron Chapman

Download the Guide to Wireframing


General UXPIN Guides