Category Archives: Uncategorized

Understanding Scenarios

Understanding Scenarios

A scenario is a “day in the life of” one of your personas. It should include both the persona’s daily working tasks as well as how your app or website fits into their lives.

Writing a scenario is as simple as taking your research and extrapolating from it to document the tasks that your persona’s perform when using your product.

A step by step guide to scenario mapping

Using Scenarios—Scenarios—Example Scenarios

A Ridiculously Simple Tool For Building Products People Love

A Ridiculously Simple Tool For Building Products People Love

What do Airbnb, Google, and Snap have in common? They know how to get their products “hired” for the job.

More UX Stuff. A very different approach than I usually work with but it is important to see other possible approaches. If all you have is a hammer you have a tendency to see every problem as a nail.