Category Archives: Uncategorized

Design and the Self

Design and the Self

Everywhere we go, we are surrounded by bad design — from airplane seats that distort our posture to aesthetically inelegant cars. Landscapes that were once green and blue are now paved over. Our surroundings are full of missed opportunities to introduce delight and joy into people’s lives.

The Six Minds of UX Design

The Six Minds of UX Design

We talk to UX psychologist John Whalen about the notion that UX doesn’t happen on the screen, it happens in the mind—deep in our subconscious. Here’s why designers need to factor this into their approach.

When we think about user experience design, we’re often thinking about the way an experience feels to a user and the decisions it prompts a user to make. But, argues UX psychologist John Whalen, these represent only two of the driving forces behind a user’s experience. There are four other “minds” that contribute to whether or not a design is effective.

The Six Minds of UX Design

All You Need To Know About Customer Journey Mapping

All You Need To Know About Customer Journey Mapping

“Stories have defined our world. They have been with us since the dawn of communication, from cave walls to the tall tales recounted around fires. They have continued to evolve, with their purpose remaining the same: to entertain, to share common experiences, to teach and to pass on traditions.”

All You Need To Know About Customer Journey Mapping

Most Common Deliverables in UX Design

Most Common Deliverables in UX Design

UX work happens in many different contexts, from very lean startups that employ Agile methodologies and embrace little documentation, to consulting engagements for third-party clients, all the way to large corporate or government environments with strict process and documentation requirements. What unites these very different work environments is the need for UX professionals to communicate design ideas, research findings, and the context of projects to a range of audiences. Though we often communicate our work in conversation with others, deliverables help us document work for discussion, presentation, implementation, and later reference.