Monthly Archives: October 2016

Make Your UX Design Process Agile Using Google’s Methodology

Make Your UX Design Process Agile Using Google’s Methodology

In an age of tight resources and constrained finances companies are more reluctant than ever to commit to big design projects without a thorough understanding of their chances of success. Google has developed a methodology to make the design process fast and still offer valuable insight. Forget minimum viable products and focus on prototypes and build and test in a week!


Product Features Matrix & Competitive Features Matrixes

How to Create a Product Features Matrix

Need a product features matrix?
If you have one product and one feature only, you probably don’t.
If you can’t remember every feature, and the different benefits each offers, and the use cases, and the business rules, then you may need a feature matrix.

The Competitive Matrix Analysis

One of the best tools you can use to define new opportunities for growth is the Competitive Matrix Analysis.  Using it will help you find opportunities to innovate with new or improved products, services and marketing strategies.

The Competitive Matrix Analysis