Research Paper Outline

Alphanumeric outlines are tools meant to help one organize ideas into a logical order through hierarchical arrangement of them into topics, subtopics, and supporting details. You need to create an outline that acts as a framework with which to organize your research paper so that the presentation of information is clear, logical, informative, and flows accordingly.

Using the format of the Advanced Essay Outline from Part IV: Research of our course’s Open Lab Writing Resources, create a full, comprehensive outline that acts as a plan for your Research Paper.

You will need to fill in all the attending areas of this outline; to do so, you should also pay close attention to the more in-depth breakdown of each portion in the Basic Essay Outline. However, to receive credit your outline needs to be formatted to fit the Advanced Outline.

For this 5% portion of your research project you need to include:

1). A full typed outline using the Advanced Outline.

2). A completed Thesis Statement Worksheet

3). A reference list of the 3+ sources you are using for this project (this reference list will need to be attached to the draft and final paper as well). You can learn about how to format a proper MLA Works Cited here under the MLA Format, MLA Guidelines, and Sample Works Cited Page portion of Part IV: Research

The final draft of your research paper outline is 5% of your overall grade and is due Saturday, November 17th. Typed and stapled.