Essay #2 Draft for Peer Review

**Please Note: Anyone without three copies of their 600-900 word essay draft will not be able to participate and will thus be considered absent. Additionally, they will not get 5% credit for Peer Review.

Following the guidelines for Essay #2, you need to create a full 600-900 word draft of your essay for Peer Review. This means, essentially, an intro, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Some things that you need to pay particular attention to, as your peers will be checking for them, are:

1). A working title that focuses the reader on the topic of the essay

2). A clear, focused thesis statement

3). 2-3 correctly integrated direct quotes, i.e. proper introduction, quote formatting & citation, and support of metacommentary afterwards

4). Use of transitions, pointing words, and metacommentary to continually focus back on the thesis & prove its point throughout the essay.

5). A refutation of your argument that you use to in turn strengthen your opinion

6). A reference list at the end of the paper, that follows proper MLA guidelines:

This draft is due in triplicate at the beginning of class on Saturday, October 20th