Essay #2: Argument for Historical Moment

Write an essay that argues for why having an understanding of history is important for people today. Choose one, singular historical event that occurred in New York City prior to 2000, and use it as a lens to convey your argument. Consider: why was the event important at the time? Why is it important for people today to have an awareness of it? How does this connection speak to the importance of historical awareness in general?

You will use the Classical Model of Argumentation as a rhetorical structure for this essay.

This essay must include:

1). A brief introduction and overview of the event in the beginning that moves to a thesis declaring why this event shows the importance of remembering history.

2). Body paragraphs that elaborate on and reinforce the thesis through use of specific examples, supporting quotes, and elaboration of argument. 

3). 2-3 short in-text citations from two appropriate outside sources to assist with your argument—these cannot be something we have read in class, but instead need to be found by you. Remember to use the ICE rule: Introduce, Cite, Explain! 

4). Sentence and paragraph transitions, pointing words, and metacommentary that does not just repeat, but instead expands your argument. Remember: clarity means repeating yourself, but with a difference. 

5). Title your work and include a properly formatted MLA works cited.

Full rough draft (5%) due in triplicate for Peer Review Saturday, October 20th 

Final draft (15%) due Saturday, October 27th

3 pages/600-900 words.

**Note: As City Tech students you have free access to the New York Times. Use this link to register: