Homework for September 22nd!

1). Reread & annotate “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”

            1). Underline anything you find evocative

            2). Circle any concrete images

            3). Question marks next to any areas you feel confused by (look up words you don’t understand)

            3). In first 5 stanzas, who does narrator mean by “you”? There are shifting references occurring– what is the effect?

            4). Define “impalpable” “sustenance” “similitudes” and “disintegrated.” How do these help you understand the themes in the poem?

2). Response Paper #2: Approaching Poetry

3). Donna’ Masini’s “Giants in the Earth”

            1). Print, read, and annotate

            2). Listen to Masini read her poem

            3). Read the interview where she explains the making of the poem


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