Just as we did for your Essay #2, we will have another peer review for the rough draft of your Research Paper.
Following the guidelines for your Research Paper, you need to create a full 1,500 word draft of your paper for Peer Review. This means, essentially, an intro, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Some things that you need to pay particular attention to, as your peers will be checking for them, are:
1). Create a clear, concise thesis that explains the topic and the argument.
2). Include four in-text citations and support with context & explanation.
3). Work on incorporating transitions (both at the sentence and paragraph levels), pointing words, and the repetition of key words and phrases.
4). Challenge yourself to create strong metacommentary, i.e. reinforcing your argument by repeating yourself but with a difference. Remember: expand and elaborate.
5). Include your refutation paragraph.
NOTE: Feel free to incorporate language from your Research Paper Proposal and of course, your outline!
5 pages, double-spaced, feel free to double-side. Include a Working Title AND MLA Works Cited.
This draft is 5% of your overall grade and is due in triplicate at the beginning of class on Saturday, December 1st!