Research Paper


Choose one contemporary issue in New York City and research how it began. Once you build historical context for this issue, choose a position to argue for: In 2018, which side has merit, and why?

The Research & Writing Process

Below are the assignment leading up to and including your final report. This process is a new tool you can apply to any research writing you undertake.

1). Response Paper #5: Research Proposal (2%)

2). Research Paper Outline (5%)

3). Draft for Peer Review (5%)

4). Research Paper (20%)

5). Panel Discussion (5%)


In order to have a strong argument you will follow the Classical Model of Argumentation, including a refutation paragraph at the end, before your conclusion.

1). In the introduction provide a lead-in, with brief, contextual background on the issue, and provide a clear, concise thesis regarding 1). why this issue is relevant and 2). which stance you are taking.

2). In the first body paragraph lay out in more detail the background context of this issue.

3). In the following body paragraphs make your argument using evidence that appeals to Logos, Ethos, and Pathos.

4). You need to integrate 4, and only 4, short, direct in-text citations from 4 sources. The rest of the paper needs to be in your own words!

 5). Like your last paper, you need to include a refutation paragraph where you present the other side’s argument in a fair, rational manner, before turning back to your own.

 6). Incorporate all of the formal techniques we have discussed this semester: transitions (at the

sentence AND paragraph level), pointing words, Metacommentary, and clean, concise language. 

 7). All of your writing needs to be grammatically correct!

 8). Create an accurate, informative title, and include an MLA Works Cited at the end.

**Not including a works cited will GREATLY REDUCE your overall grade! 

Research Sources

Perform thorough, outside research using 4 credible outside sources to find evidence that supports your thesis. Your sources need to include: 

  • A minimum of one scholarly source from a legitimate scholarly or peer-reviewed scholarly source
  • Three credible popular sources, i.e. magazine or newspapers

**You MAY NOT use:,,, or, the NY Daily News, or New York Post!

You are encouraged to use the librarians for help in your research; they are the experts and can help you find sources, improve your skills, and be efficient with your time. 

5 pages/1,500 words. Final Draft Due Saturday, December 8th