Response Paper #3: The Immigrant Dream

Anzia Yezierska’s story “America and I” was published in 1923. In your opinion, are there elements of the text that seem accurate in regard to the immigrant experience today? Your knowledge of what it is like to be an immigrant may be first or second-hand (perhaps you or a family member have immigrated to the U.S.), or maybe your opinion is formed from things you have heard through the grapevine, the media, etc.

The point of this response is two-fold: to respectfully and constructively consider what it may be like for folks who come to the States from somewhere else, and also to practice your rhetorical maneuvers.

1). Create context for the story in an introductory sentence or two, i.e. title, author, brief summary.

2). Present a concise thesis: This story still has relevance in regard to the immigrant experience in America because_____________________________

3). Incorporate one direct quote to act as evidence: Yezierska writes: “____________________________” (pg. #).

4). Make sure to unpack and explain the quote’s significance.

1 page, typed & hardcopy.