For notes from Wednesday’s class, see this post.
• Make sure that you complete the WeBWorK on Product and Quotient Rules by Thursday midnight! (One-time extension). The assignment on Higher Derivatives is due Sunday midnight. But please don’t wait to the last minute! (Sorry, that assignment didn’t get posted in time.)
• From the WeBWorK on Chain Rule, do problems 1-5. (You may do more if you like, but do at least these.)
• If you have not already done so, make sure that you do the assigned problems from the textbook from last time.
There will be a Quiz on Monday. The quiz will be on the Chain Rule, a problem similar to the examples I worked in class (or problems 1-5 in the WeBWorK).
Don’t forget, if you get stuck on a problem, you can post a question on Piazza. Make sure to give your question a good subject line and tell us the problem itself – we need this information in order to answer your question. And please only put one problem per posted question!