Test 1 Review Self-Tests (Updated)

Test 1 is scheduled for the first 50 minutes or so of class on Monday 6 March. Please see the Course information sheet for policies related to tests.
Here are two self-tests showing the material that will be covered on Test 1. Use them to test yourself.



Here are the answers: please note that the work has not been shown in these, but you will be graded on your work! Therefore, make sure that you also check the sections/examples listed below to make sure that you are using correct methods for the problems.


Review sections/examples for each problem:

Self-Test A

1) See Section  4.1 Examples 1-6 and MAT1275ExponentsDefinitionsLaws

2) See Section 5.4 Complex Fractions  Examples 1-2 (Method I) Examples 3-5 (Method II)

3) See Section 5.4 Complex Fractions  Examples 1-2 (Method I) Examples 3-5 (Method II)

4) See Section 5.3

5) See Section 5.3

6) See Section 5.5

7) See Section 5.5

8) See Section 6.1

9) See Section 6.3

10) See Sections 6.1, 6.3

Self-Test B

1) See Section 5.4 Complex Fractions  Examples 1-2 (Method I) Examples 3-5 (Method II)

2) See Section 5.4 Complex Fractions  Examples 1-2 (Method I) Examples 3-5 (Method II)

3) See Section  4.1 Examples 1-6 and MAT1275ExponentsDefinitionsLaws-Condensed.pdf

4) See Section 5.3

5) See Section 5.3

6) See Section 5.5

7) See Section 5.5

8) See Section 5.5

9) See Sections 6.1, 6.2 (Rational Exponents) – make sure that you compute this by first translating into exponent/root notation, as in Example 2 of Section 6.2

10) See Sections 6.1, 6.2 (Rational Exponents)  – make sure that you compute this by first translating into exponent/root notation, as in Example 2 of Section 6.2


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