Professional Goals


“Individuals shall engage in lifelong learning to maintain and enhance professional competence and performance”.

I agree with this ethical standard because i think that obtaining knowledge on an ongoing basis plays a vital role in ones competency as a professional. It is imperative to stay current and informed in any field so that you can then use what you’ve learned to more efficiently help your clients. Because I would like to parlay my career into the arena of public/community health, continuing my education is essential in my quest to enter and advance in a field that goes a bit beyond the scope and experience I have acquired while completing my baccalaureate in Human Services.

I desire to work more with policy, but in this field I will  need to learn more about administration and definitely improve my skills in science. Science is not my strongest subject but being knowledgeable in this area will help me effectively determine what policies will adequately help my population of interest attain and maintain optimal health.

Currently, the masters program that I am interested in is the Community Health program at Brooklyn College. There are four areas of concentration including health care policy and administration which would probably be my focus. I will not be entering graduate school this fall because I want to take a break and spend more time with my family and one year old son. I am also hesitant due to the sheer cost of the program. I already have loans from undergraduate, so to add onto those existing loans is intimidating

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