About Me


  • My name is Sharea Thomas and I am a 26 year old student at New York City College of Technology currently pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services.
  • The population that I am most interested in working with is low income minority women, particularly African American. My passion is to help these women attain the knowledge needed to achieve and sustain optimal health regardless of their socioeconomic status. Because of health care disparities in this country, African American women are more likely to acquire and succumb to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and cancer.
  • This harsh reality is simply unacceptable. There needs to changes in the availability of knowledge and resources in order to truly reach out to this population. It is my hope that throughout my career in this field, I will be able to make a difference in the lives of women who serve as caretakers for everyone, but unfortunately are never taken care of.
  • Aside from my professional interests, my hobbies include singing and song writing. I have written a collection of approximately 50 songs and melodies and have performed at neighborhood functions on two occasions. Though I will not be pursuing music professionally, it is and has always been an absolute passion of mine that I thoroughly enjoy.