Course Work and Competencies


Course ID:  HUS 1101               

Course Name: Introduction to Human Services 

Competencies: This course introduced me to the field and really helped me get

an understanding of what to expect and in turn what would be

expected of me in this career.

Course ID: HUS 1201/3501              

Course Name:  Elements of Counseling/Counseling Methods

Competencies: These courses helped me learn how to

professionally counsel and develop an array of skills while doing so. I

also learned how to prepare service plans and client assessments which is

an imperative aspect to providing services.

Course ID: HUS 4804

Course Name: Management Concepts in Human Services 

Competencies: I would ideally like to be more of an administrator and a person who

dealswith policy and this course enabled me to understand that there was more to the field

than just direct care. I learned about the role of supervisors and upper management in non

profits and the role they played in ensuring the agency was run effectively and efficiently.


Course ID: HUS 4803

Course Name: Resource development

Competencies: This was the course in which I learned how to write up proposals

which is an essential skill for those of us who hope to one day be the head of an organization


Course ID: SPE 1330

Course Name: Public Speaking

Competencies: Ive never had a problem with public speaking but this class really

solidified my confidence in doing so which is a great skill that I still use when running

groups or doing presentations


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