Case Presentation

Arestin Case

At first, I was not sure of the effectiveness regarding the use of Arestin but this experience has proven to me otherwise. A locally administered antibiotic is an excellent way to remove the remaining harmful microscopic bacteria, especially the red-complex bacteria. Thankfully we were given this opportunity to experience using Arestin on a patient with generalized moderate bone loss. The probing depths of the sites in which Arestin was administered ranged from 5-7mm. After allowing the antibiotic to biodegrade for four weeks, the new probing depths ranged from 3-4mm. The results were amazing and the patient was delighted to see such results. I look forward to using Arestin on my patients in the future with generalized moderate bone loss.

This patients case value was a heavy/IV.  The patient had not had a cleaning in over 10 years because of her fear of the dentist.  After making her feel comfortable and educating her on the importance of oral health she allowed me to clean her teeth. When I was done the patient expressed her gratitude and promised to continue her 3 month re care appointments .

Before/After Scaling Photos