Week 1: Classic sociology theoriesTable of Contents |
Date DUE |
Group #1 Read this open source essay by Durkheim: /Durkheim on education-and-society/ Upload your answers to these questions by Tuesday class: 1. What is Durkheim’s definition of education? 2.What would Durkheim say about the movement to provide vouchers to parents to send their children to the schools of their choice? What if the effect were to diminish public education in favor of a multitude of private schools (some teaching the theory of evolution while others teach against the theory of evolution, for example)? 3.Where does Durkheim come down on the nature/nurture debate? What role does education play here? 4.Do you agree that “liberty is the daughter of authority”? Explain and defend Durkheim’s argument, and then counter it. Group #2 Read this open source essay by Marx: Open_Source_Reading_on_Karl_Marx from “Preface to Readings” to “Frankfurt School.” Then upload your answers to these questions by class time Tues.: · 1.What is your view as it relates to Marx’s notion of species being? Is capitalism harmful to its development? Why does he believe that socialism and communism will free species being? · 2. What is your opinion of Marx’s development of the base and the superstructure? Is there any merit to his theory? Any limitations? · 3. How would you respond to the notion that schooling in a capitalistic society simply reproduces the status quo (life as it is now)? Can you think of any examples that would counter Marx’s conclusion?
Friday, 9/4
Week 2: History of Education in early US |
Date DUE |
VIDEO: Watch this video below:
On Horace Mann: Horace_Mann_Video. Upload answer to these questions: 1. What specifically were the values Mann thought were important? 2. What specifically is the kind of knowledge worth knowing? 3. How does human nature relate to Mann’s vision of human nature? 4. Who should have access to education and why? 5. What’s the biggest weakness with Mann’s vision? |
Tues., 9/8
· Everyone reads: American Revolution Era on Education From the section starting at “Beginning Anew” to “Robert Coram.” Upload your one-page summary of the main ideas. |
Friday, 9/11
Week 3: Weber vs Marx. Does expertise create equality? |
Date DUE |
VIDEO: Watch this video on modern bureaucracy. Weber_and_Bureaucracy
Upload answers to these questions by Tuesday: 1. What are the three main types of authority, according to Weber? 2. What makes modern legal authority better than traditional? 3. List the 4 main characteristics of bureaucracy? 4. Do you agree with Weber that our modern system is more fair and better than the old traditional one? Why or why not? |
Tues., 9/15
Everyone reads Randall Collins closely! Click on this link to read the library article Myth_of_Technology pp. 4 – 11. (Or go to the downloaded paper on BB under Assignments). Write a one-page summary by paying attention to each cited author and by writing down the main idea of each paragraph. |
Monday 9/21 |
Week 4: Review and Test I online |
Date DUE |
Go to Assignments on Blackboard to take Test I by end of day Friday. It is a timed test you can only take once so study the review sheet, lectures, and your homework before you start the test. | Friday, 9/25
NO CLASS 9/29: Monday Schedule |