Spring Break Reading Assignment

Hi All. Welcome to Spring Break.

Ok, now, three articles to read. You will write a “reflection” in your journals for us to discuss in class when we return.

The seeming subject is: The Donald — and also, a man named David Brooks, who wrote about him recently. Here you go:

Article number one, linked here: A NewYork Times Editorial by David Brooks

Article numbers two and three linked here and here: two pieces about Brooks by Slate magazine writers.

Really, the subject is: how what you feel about a person colors what they say.

Journal Reflection for next class, May 3:

Think and write a few sentences on the notion of what happens when someone you may not like says something that makes sense to you. Specifically: Slate’s feelings about Conservative journalist David Brooks.

Do you think that Brooks is a good writer? Do you think he sounds “unbalanced” in his NYTIMES opinion piece? What would you think about him, if you hadn’t read Slate?

Words you should briefly define, below, in your journal reflection:

What is misogyny? What is chivalry?  What is (loosely defined, here) feminism?
