Hi Class. I am enjoying reading your UNIT III work and am striving to give you feedback as fast as I can. The days online are long, and I still haven’t left my desk since this morning (it’s 10:00PM now), and I am nowhere near done. You can still get on with planning your Final Portfolio, cleaning up your past work, adding and pruning our Giant Diary, and planning some kind of attempt at a digital project.

Now, I want to take a moment to talk about that digital project — otherwise known as UNIT IV. I’ve decided: it’s optional. You don’t have to do it.  Now, please read on.

Our semester is nearly done. We don’t have time to put in a lot of effort into anything. Anything. So, let me re-frame this for you. As I see it now, UNIT IV is the cherry on the cake. It’s a last, final extension of the work you did in UNIT III. Only, it’s where you take your investigation a smidge…further. And, it’s fine with me if it goes outside of the box of you and your partner.

For example: What might my personal UNIT IV look like? (And I assure you, I am not digitally fluent.) So far I have two ideas. One idea is that I go on Zoom and try to teach a colleague of mine (an art professor I know)  what I have learned from Brianna (my personal UNIT III partner) about the video game “Splatoon” — in a way that that an art professor will be totally understand, because I put it in her “art world” language. Maybe Brianna will join me. Maybe Brianna will by my expert and will teach my colleague, too. I’m still figuring it out, but either way, the recording will be a digital document of our exercise, and I will have taught somebody something new.

My other idea is that I bake the chocolate-chip banana bread that Antonio gave as a recipe in his assignment — live — with someone else on Zoom or on Facebook, commenting on baking as an art of patience and tradition…well, I haven’t worked that one all out yet, either. But I will decide by Friday.

I am just trying to give you ideas.

Yes, you can do without UNIT IV, if you are overwhelmed. But this final portfolio is worth 50% of your grade, and some extra credit wouldn’t hurt. So, if you do it, put a link to it in your Final Portfolio, and a short explanation so I know what I am looking at.

Okay, I will get back to grading. I will give you the link to our Zoom Q+A meeting on Friday, below, and I look forward to speaking with you.


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Topic: Q+A and Help with Professor S.
Time: May 15, 2020 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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