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Diary Assignment #1 Ariel

March 23, 2020

I’m so excited for class that I can squeal. I now this sounds weird but it’s the only time I can actually go back to my normal routine. I was able to wake up, make coffee, and make a little breakfast. I realized I have too many papers on my desk. So many I can not even place my coffee mug nor plate on my desk. I am interested in how all my classes will go today.

I am sitting in front of my computer, waiting for my macroeconomics teacher. I haven’t been standing, or running, or dancing. I say this because these are things that would make me tired. I have done none of that, yet I am so tired. I feel like I have been sucked in by my computer while having classes from 8:30am to 2:30pm. After this class, I don’t even want to look at my phone.



Marsh 24, 2020

I woke up and realized how my curtains make my room look sea blue. I feel so calm, and can imagine myself swaying side to side. What a great way to wake up in the morning! After 14 years of education, I have woken up calmly for class. Most days I have to manage how to get dressed, make breakfast, get my books ready, and wake up my family in 15 minutes. It can be very frustrating being rushed every morning.

I have been studying and my brain feels tired and anxious. About 300 index cards, containing anatomy, are laying all around my living room floor. The writing on them looks so sloppy, reflecting my anxiety. I just want to get this over with.



March 25, 2020


My back hurts a lot. Sitting in front of the computer and writing weirdly, as really tortured my back. Maybe if I sit straight enough, it will go away. I tried to get up at 6:00am to study more for my anatomy exam on Thursday, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. At 8:00am I was still snuggled in my soft blankets of my bed. I hope  get time to make a review sheet today.


  1. Antonio

    I can agree with you about back hurting after a while sitting on the computer. Try some stretches that will help you. Usually I do a bit of yoga or stretching to help my back. Hope everything went good with your anatomy exam, sound like was a tough exam.

  2. Farley

    I feel the way in regards to looking at the computer all day, my eyes really have been hurting these past few days. I wish I can have an in class experience.

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