
Big Ideas Welcome Here

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“Reading for”…

Hi Class. Here is a photocopy — my personal photocopy to be exact — of a scholarly article that I might assign you to read soon. Messy, right?

That’s because I was reading it for me and no one else to see. Also, I was reading it for a reason: it was assigned to me by a committee of fellow educators, and I had to respond to their questions on my reactions to the article in a seminar: would I adopt it in my English course, and how, and why. Would I recommend it to other professors?

I decided later that I would use it in an English course. In fact, you may be reading it soon. So I re-read it a second time as a “student,” or how I thought a student might see it. Then, I highlighted different passages and aspects to help me talk to students:
…and I started to highlight words that might be useful vocabulary terms, phrases that I thought students might benefit from if they were skimming.
In short: I read “for.”
I am one person. And this is one article. But that doesn’t mean there is only one way to read.
I have read this article many times. Why? Because it changes depending on the things going on in my mind.
Reading isn’t static.
It’s active.
Like a flowing river.

Never leave yourself at the door of a book. Always bring you. Bring your mind and your heart to everything you read.
Read with You. Read As you.
And then know for whom you toil.

Homework for Feb 19

Hi Class. Your personal Literacy Narrative is due Feb 19. Length: 700 words max. Format: double-spaced typed and printed. Your name, the course number and section number, my name, and the date all appear at the upper left of the first page. (Yes, this is standard MLA format. You can see The Little Seagull Handbook or any good Online guide like the Purdue OWL for examples.) We began discussing the content of this paper in our previous OpenLab post, so re-read this if you missed class or are unclear.

Also for Wednesday Feb 19: Now that you have researched the literal definition and personal significance of your name, please type up this information and submit it to me. Staple it to the front of or simply print it at the front of your Literacy Narrative. This “name” information does not count as part of your entire word count. It is simply informative, almost like a file entry, and you can make it as brief or lengthy as you like or need.

Also: Please give your literacy narrative an interesting title! Don’t simply call it “Literacy Narrative.” In our last class you received a handout that analyzes and goes into great depth on the genre of the Literacy Narrative. If English is not your first language, or if you feel at all lost, read this handout. Author Richard Rodriguez’ personal literacy narrative, From Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez, is excerpted there.

Another note: paper lateness is no excuse for missing class! My late paper extension request policy is in our Syllabus. I pay close attention to attendance these days!

Enjoy the time off and I look forward to seeing you at our next class, Feb 19.

Homework for Feb 10

Two Things To Do For Monday, Feb 10: 1) Download, print and read Helen Keller’: “I Go Adventuring.” You will find the link on to our READINGS page.  Circle any words you don’t know. We will pronounce them and discuss them in class. Also, in your notebooks, write a short reflection. What were some of the main and also most interesting points of the piece? Do you like the way she writes? How does her writing effect you? (The link to the other Helen Keller piece we need to read, on The Empire Building, isn’t working well, so I will give you a printout next class. Instead, I have some more short writing for you to do):

2) Look up your name in an etymological dictionary. Find out its LITERAL translation — what it means. Here is an example. I looked up the name “Richard” at etymonline  and found that it means “strong in rule.” I want you to write the literal definition of your name. Also, write about why or how you got your name — what is its significance? Are you named for your grandfather? Did your parents have some reasons for naming you? Maybe Richard was named for a character in a book that his mom read when she was pregnant? Maybe he is named for an uncle who passed away? You get the idea.

Put all the above in your notebook.

Looking ahead: Our first major paper will be your personal Literacy Narrative. Your telling of your journey in how you learned to read and write. What sort of experiences you had. What sort of struggles you had. Who helped you along the way.  You should start taking notes on this for yourself. Come to class with questions or insights. It will be due on Feb 19.

Your next assignment, due Feb 3 — updated, so please read

What are you doing for homework?

To Do: Write using a prisoner’s constraint without descending letters. No length requirement. Topic: Music (music I like…favorite music…music is life…music is the best artform ever… those are just a few ideas)  or Food  (favorite food…food I like…food is incredible…anything you wish…).

To Do: Reading: There is an excerpt from Malcolm X’s autobiography on our COURSE READINGS page (see menu, above). “Learning to Read.” Print it and bring it to class. And yes, please read it.

Also: When we begin class on Monday, we will briefly review what we have done in class so far. Please look in your notes and be prepared to discuss. Please ask any questions you may have.

Also, also: Think about what you might like to do during class on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend! The first week is the hardest, and you all did a great job. Some amazing writing came out of your efforts, and some good habits were begun.

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