March 23 and March 26

March 23 – Richmond hill Queens New York, Trader Joe’s

12:00am -5:00pm groceries 6:00pm- nest day sleep

I made myself a bacon egg and cheese sandwich and then I started getting ready to go to get groceries and prepare myself for the coronavirus. I also washed my hands multiple times before I left the house. And I also could not forget to wear a mask before I leave the house and a pair of gloves. I picked all of my favorite foods Cake, organic fruits and vegetables and also eggs and bacon and bread, turkey, chicken breast and spices.When I got home I washed my hands and took a bath. After that I fell asleep for the whole day and woke up the next day.

March 24 – Richmond Hill Queens New York, Trader Joe’s

2:00pm-5pm more groceries and eating a lot

6:00pm-2:00am Netflix and quarantine

I woke up late because I was so lazy did not want to get out of bed. One thing I like about the quarantine that I could hibernate in my blanket. I watched all my favorite series on Netflix like elite, money heist, and Dynasty.

march 25 – Richmond Hill Queens New York

2:00pm-6:00pm laundry

7:00pm-next day Eat

I woke up late again because I’m watching so many movies yesterday. I realized I had a lot of laundry to do and I was afraid if I don’t do my laundry the laundry mat will close because of the quarantine.after I finish doing the laundry I came home and I started binge eating because I was so bored.I could not watch Netflix because I finished every single show that I like kill me now.

March 26 – Richmond Hill Queens New York

2:00pm to 8:00pm

I did nothing  that day I stayed in my four walls sleeping waking up eating and repeating the process over and over. It should be illegal to be this bored.I could not watch Netflix either because I finished every single show that I like