I feel like the whole thing with Corona is very dramatic, social media and news media makes it seem more dramatic than it is. Many people are taking precautions that are a little too extreme. I see people wearing plastic gloves on the train, I heard the mayor suggested people not to ride the MTA when it’s too crowded, and I see many Chinese restaurants being empty, as well as racist videos on Instagram against Chinese people. Just last week I went to buy some chicken and broccoli and the guy blessed it with a couple of egg rolls, I just assumed I was the only customer he had that day so he was being nice. There’s ways to prevent Corona, stay clean and wash your hands several times during the day. It’s hard for me to not touch my face, but I’m able to resist it because I’m aware of what’s going on. Schools like John Jay and Saint Johns’s are getting closed temporarily because of the virus. I just got an email from the school addressing the rumor that a student was possibly exposed to the virus while administering a chest x-ray to a patient who later appeared to be symptomatic in the Radiologic Technology Department at City Tech, so who knows, our school might get closed next.